Monday, September 4, 2017

Taking A Look At Socialism

This note deals with the consequences resulting from the political left's push to turn our nation into a Socialist paradise.  Please read to determine if you agree with this idea which has long been the goal of the political left generally and now the Democrat party specifically.

Quote: "The Controlling Elite Love Socialism for the People-Control Properties of the System, But for the Average Citizen the Results Have Always Been Disastrous.  In the 20th century there have been numerous political systems, but in the latter half of the century there were only two survivors, Socialism and Capitalism. So we have at this time in the Western world, which for all practical purposes controls the world, two opposing political systems. (I have already previously stated that there is no basic difference between socialists and communists. There are, however, some very important factors relating to socialism of which you should be aware. Socialism will not work in a free market economy and, as a consequence it invariably deteriorates into a totalitarian state. Anyone wishing to argue that point is asked to point to one single instance where this was not the result)."  

     And, "Socialism cannot work because the cost of services must be collected in the form of taxes, and this is not a sustainable possibility. The reason is that since government pays for all services, neither the producer nor the consumer cares about the cost, and hence there is an uncontrolled spiral of inflation (today's medical costs are a case in point and healthcare is not yet totally socialized). Furthermore, the government has no funds or assets. It only has the funds it confiscated from its citizens. The total inefficiency of a centralized bureaucracy does not help either. Once citizens are weaned on this cradle-to-grave concept and are no longer self-reliant, they become wards of the state and will not accept any reduction of services. The government subsequently has no option but to reduce services, and as popular resistance develops State repression begins. This is the socialist cycle. It has been found to occur in every socialist state in existence to date. The current most outrageous examples of this are North Korea and Cuba. These two societies share much in common - both are socialist, both are totalitarian, both have more political prisoners then any nation close to their size, both have non-working universal health care, in both the citizens suffer malnutrition, and both have food and fuel rationing. Their leaders and party members, in the meantime, eat caviar and drink champagne."     (My Note: This is exactly what caused Venezuela to collapse.  Hugo Chavez turned the most productive country in South America into a socialist paradise which is now a failed state.  His successor, Maduro, runs it with an iron fist.  This tragedy brings to mind the oft repeated wisdom rendered by former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher - Socialism never works because the socialists eventually run out of other people's money.)

Quote: "In several recent articles, I’ve exposed the myth that socialism is a revolution of and for the people.  I’ve presented evidence that socialism is actually a movement owned, operated, and funded by ultra-wealthy elites. Dupes, foot soldiers, blind idealists, indoctrinated students, and low-level thugs are recruited through cutouts to serve the agenda of Rockefeller Globalists, for example, who are determined to bring about worldwide socialism. Socialism, in a nutshell, equals ultra-rich elites (represented by the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, etc.) owning the free market, cutting out competition, and creating more powerful, overarching, central governments.  Hidden in the plan is the granting of greater dominion to mega-corporations. This is a key fact."

Most readers will recall that Bernie Sanders gave Hillary a run for the money during the 2016 Democrat presidential primary.  He praised socialism that exists in Scandinavian countries and cited examples of its wonders.  Hillary and he engaged in exchanges of how much free stuff they would deliver if they became president.  People loved it.  But, there is a problem.  Quote: "The Scandinavian story the past few decades has been a turn against socialism. Taxes have fallen, and markets have been liberalized. Kamprad returned to Sweden. It became obvious that generous-enough welfare benefits can undermine the initiative of even the heartiest Scandinavian stock, and these countries have been adjusting accordingly. An article in the New York Times a couple of years ago recounted the backlash against welfare dependence in Denmark. It cited a study that projected in 2013 that only three of 98 municipalities would have a majority of residents working." 

Socialism has overtaken the Democrat Party.  Recently Democratic Minority Leader of the Senate, Chuck Schumer opined that capitalism has failed and the Democrats are offering Americans a "New Deal".  In his speech he failed to mention that it was the incessant Democrat party over regulation of our economy that has impeded the efficiency and effectiveness of our former capitalistic free enterprise based economy.  Quote: "Last week Chuck Schumer, the Democrats' leader in the Senate, promised readers of the New York Times "a better deal." He said the party was listening to a country that's "clamoring for bold changes to our politics and our economy." He's right that voters are unhappy, but I wonder if the Democrats are really getting the message. Schumer's article displayed the standard Democratic dissonance between a radical-sounding critique of American capitalism and timid little steps to put things right. Both sides of this traditional formula are wrong. The system isn't fundamentally broken; American voters don't want their government to demolish capitalism and start again. At the same time, bold innovations in policy -- much bolder than Democrats appear to be contemplating -- are needed to make the economy work better for the wide middle of the American electorate."   Inherent is his "New Deal" is more centralized government control over the economy...that is what socialists do. 

Another example of socialist ideology intruding the Democrat party is their quest for a government controlled centralized single payer system of healthcare. Socialist Bernie Sanders has long touted that as what needs to happen. Senator Elizabeth Warren has echoed Bernie's claim and indeed says that is the next step necessary to resolve heathcare issues we face.  Quote: "In recent speeches, Warren promoted the idea that Democrats should be more strident in supporting a progressive agenda, including measures like raising the minimum wage, regulating the financial industry, forgiving student loans and expanding Social Security. “The progressive agenda is America’s agenda,” she said. “It’s not like we’re trying to sell stuff that people don’t want … It’s not that at all. It’s that we haven’t gotten up there and been as clear about our values as we should be, or as clear and concrete about how we’re going to get there.”   When translated her push to execute the progressive agenda means to adopt socialism policies which have eventually failed everywhere they have been tried.

Add this to the previous note.  I just ran across it.  Quote: "One would have thought that after more than seven decades of the interventionist-welfare state as the political left’s “liberal socialist” alternative to Marxian socialist central planning, it would be realized that it is just another constraining and corrupt manifestation of the unworkability of any collectivist system of control and command.  Mr. Judis’ program for a socialist America also shows the intellectual bankruptcy of those on “the left.” The revolutionary transformation of society, for which they yearn, ends up being nothing more than the existing interventionist-welfare state, except with the desire that people who agree with Mr. Judis should be at the helm of political power rather than those with whom he disagrees."

Much more could be offered but I will stop here.  It is up to each of us to decide what the Democrats have to offer in their "New Deal" is what we as individuals a nation want.

George Burns

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