Friday, September 1, 2017

Noteworthy News 1

This item deals with the political left's destruction of the meaning of the word "tolerance".    Three short quotes: "Karl Popper’s Paradox of Tolerance has gotten a lot of attention lately. With good reason: We Americans are wondering what to do with the neo-Nazis among us. Maybe we’d like to tolerate intolerant views, but isn’t that risky?" And, "Meanwhile many on the far left have also misread Popper, again to no good ends. As stated here, and not altogether fairly, the paradox runs: A tolerant society should be tolerant by default,  With one exception: it should not tolerate intolerance itself.  But Popper never believed anything like this."  And,  "How useful is the paradox of tolerance? In practice, an effective defense of a tolerant society is almost always straightforwardly compatible with the practice tolerance itself. The paradox only rarely arises. Still, in a few extreme cases, and if we use a tendentious definition of the word “intolerance” – one that defines self-defense as intolerance – then yes, tolerance and intolerance may have a superficial resemblance. But it’s possible to make too much of that, and many people certainly have."
This piece will not be a pleasant read.  Its contents are disturbing on many levels.  Over the years I have read many accounts from a variety of credible sources that fit within the scope of this unpleasantness. You decide what you think.  Quote: "Getting the picture?  War, what is it good for? It’s good for business. It’s good for creating chaos and destruction. It’s good for launching new global organizations, in the aftermath; organizations that exert a level of control and reach that didn’t exist before. It’s good for launching organizations like the United Nations and the European Union and the World Trade Organization—dedicated to Globalism, which in turn is dedicated to planned civilization, in which the individual is demeaned and the group is All.  Freedom is demeaned, and dominance by the few over the many is hailed as peace in our time."    The evil some people do!!!

The political left are very good liars.  Too many examples to offer.  But it is true and the mainstream media, loyal leftists they are, insist that their lies are true.  One big lie they tell all the time is that Trump, Republicans and conservatives are Nazis.  That is stupid on its face.  Nonetheless they say it over and over again.  This piece reminds us that all socialist ideologies are products of the political left.  That includes communism, socialism, fascism and Nazism.  Quote: "Leftists have long been engaged in a bait-and-switch operation. First, they said they wanted nothing but liberty for all. Liberalism was supposed to be neutral between competing worldviews, seeking only an open marketplace of ideas in which rational people could discuss important questions. It did not aim to impose any particular vision of the good. That claim was exploded quickly enough when the centrality of government-run education to the left-liberal program became obvious. Progressive education in particular aimed to emancipate children from the superstitions of competing power centers (parents, church, or locality, among others) and transfer their allegiance to the central state."  And, "And it is not simply that dissent is not tolerated. Dissent cannot be acknowledged. What happens is not that the offender is debated until a satisfactory resolution is achieved. He is drummed out of polite society without further ado. There can be no opinion apart from what the left has decided."   And, "Now I can imagine the following objection to what I’ve said: whatever we may say about the crimes and horrors of the left, we cannot overlook the totalitarianism of the right, manifested most spectacularly in Nazi Germany.  But in fact, the Nazis were a leftist party. The German Workers’ Party in Austria, the forerunner of the Nazis, declared in 1904: “We are a liberty-loving nationalistic party that fights energetically against reactionary tendencies as well as feudal, clerical, or capitalistic privileges and all alien influences.”  And, "The leftist obsession with “equality” and leveling means the state must insinuate itself into employment, finance, education, private clubs — pretty much every nook and cranny of civil society. In the name of diversity, every institution is forced to look exactly like every other one."

This item provides a comprehensive examination of the political left's delusions and their implications. Quote: "Then there’s the left’s leader class, those who actually know that much of what they espouse daily in the political arena – particularly their constant demonization of well-meaning Christians and conservatives – is nothing more than weaponized rhetoric. It may be untrue, cruel and defamatory, but that doesn’t matter. All that matters is that it’s effective in battle. At the pinnacle of this group (at least politically) are top Democrat leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters, who by the way look and sound mentally ill. Then you have highly ambitious politicians like Chuck Schumer who are so ravenously hungry to return to power that they’ll literally say and do anything, espouse any beliefs, defend any lies and attack any Republicans, all to regain the power they so desperately covet. There’s no lower limit to the embarrassing craziness of the left’s delusional narrative: Not only are all whites guilty of the crime of being white, but California legislators want to put you in jail for a year for failing to use the correct pronoun for transgendered people, and feminist icon Gloria Steinem now claims it’s pro-lifers who are causing global warming. (“Listen, what causes climate deprivation is population,” the 83-year-old Steinem recently told a reporter. “If we had not been systematically forcing women to have children they don’t want or can’t care for over the 500 years of patriarchy, we wouldn’t have the climate problems that we have.”)   There are many factors contributing both to leftists’ general irrationality and to their current hysteria in the Age of Trump: their near-religious infatuation with socialism and hatred of capitalism; their warped assessment (or total ignorance) of human nature; their conspicuous lack of introspection and resulting penchant for projection (blaming others for the problems they cause); their addiction to the corrosive practice of identity politics; their rejection of Judeo-Christian values with regard to sex, marriage, family; morality and ethics, and their seeming denial of their obvious policy failures; and so on. But let’s focus right now on just one factor, since it’s arguably the most foundational, and certainly the most toxic of all: hate.   

If proven to be true this piece suggests that the tragic Charlottesville debacle was actually a "set up".  Quote: "At least one law enforcement officer in Charlottesville, VA has come forward to clear his conscience and reveal the truth — or at least his version of it — that what went down in the city was not only condoned by city governance but was intentional, orchestrated and may have been planned as long ago as May. The as-yet unidentified police officer has said that the Charlottesville P.D. were specifically instructed to bring the radical left and right wing groups together to instigate violence and then to told to “stand down” once violence ensued in a deliberate effort to ignite a race riot."   And, "The story is being told on and other sources:  “A Charlottesville police officer has come forward to express his anger at being told to “stand down” by the city mayor during violent clashes between protestors. He also claims the protests, which pitched “white supremacists” against members of Antifa, were “set up” to further the agenda of the elites. “We [Charlotesville police] were ordered to bring the rival groups together. As soon as they were in contact with each other, we were told to stand down. It was outrageous. We weren’t allowed to arrest anyone without asking the mayor first. We weren’t even allowed to stop the driver as he sped away.“ “The event was being set up as far back as at least May and it went like clockwork.” Michael Signer, the mayor of Charlottesville, ordered police to stand down during the most chaotic and destructive period of the protests – despite police protests against the orders. “We wanted to do our job and keep the peace. But these mother******s in charge really want to destroy America.” This revelation is huge and if true may implicate Mayor Signer and possibly other city officials in the death of a citizen."    I have said it before and will again.  The Democrat governor of Virginia is an unsavory dude.  This is just one of a number of reasons for the charge (cited in previous items).  Quote: "State and local authorities received a warning from the Department of Homeland Security three days before the deadly Charlottesville rally Aug. 12 that they should prepare for violent clashes between white supremacists and anarchists.  The confidential assessment, reported by Politico, raises further questions about the handling of the clash by Virginia state and Charlottesville authorities. As WND reported, the ACLU and reporters covering the rally contend the violence escalated due to a lack of police oversight that some believe was intentional, ultimately blaming Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe."   Again I say, he is a bad dude.  He wanted the confrontation to happen so he could blame Trump supporters for the debacle.  It backfired and now he has a lot of explaining to do...

This is the man who has publically said capitalism has failed and needs to be replaced with socialism.  He has also said other ridiculous things.  Yet he is the Democrat minority leader in the Senate.  Now he has uttered more totally ridiculous and hateful words.  This time he demands that Trump let illegals vote to prove he is not a white supremacist.  I don't know about you but I have concerns about this man's sanity.  First: Advocating for non-citizens to vote is frightfully stupid - they are here illegally, not citizens and therefore have no right to vote. Second: His demand assumes Trump is a white supremacist.  He knows better.  Trump has over many years by deeds and words proved he is no white supremacist.  With this ridiculous and hateful demand Schumer does nothing but expose his own stupidity, biased views, rank dishonesty, racism, lack of good judgment, and worse.  It is well established that allowing non-citizens to vote is a very real part of Democrat's voting strategy...they have been caught multiple times doing just that, and that my friends is illegal.
The political left has falsely labeled Trump as a white supremacist and the entire political right as racists.  They have repeatedly spewed those hateful charges without any evidence.  Their only evidence is "they say so".  Other paragraphs and past notes highlight the long racist history of the Democrat party - that is fact and not just words.  It was former president Obama that opened the racist wounds that had long been healing.  He stoked those wounds throughout his entire eight years in office.  Democrats loyally followed suit and created an image of ours being a racist nation filled with white privilege.  What white privilege is unclear but it is a hateful leftist mantra few understand, if it can be understood at all.  Stoking racism is a political left enterprise and should stop before more serious damage is done.  Perhaps this piece will help change the horrible narrative of the political left to one more like what America was before Obama appeared on the scene.  It details the people helping people story that is the Hurricane Harvey ongoing recovery operation which is more real than any hate filled narrative that Obama or anyone else on the left could conjure up.

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