Wednesday, September 20, 2017

President Trump Stands Up at the UN for America and Against Totalitarianism

President Donald Trump came to the United Nations this week as the “representative of the American people,” not as the “global citizen” that Barack Obama had fancied himself to be. To paraphrase William Shakespeare, when Obama asked his global audiences to lend him their ears, he came to bury America under a heap of apologies for its alleged past misdeeds, not to praise America. President Trump could not have presented a starker contrast. He praised the U.S. Constitution as “the foundation of peace, prosperity, and freedom for the Americans and for countless millions around the globe whose own countries have found inspiration in its respect for human nature, human dignity, and the rule of law.” He spoke out against the evils of our time –singling out radical Islamist terrorists and the rogue authoritarian regimes of North Korea, Iran and socialist Venezuela - with moral clarity reminiscent of former President Ronald Reagan.
During his inaugural visit to UN headquarters in New York for the annual convocation of world leaders, President Trump delivered two speeches and held a series of high level bilateral meetings. His first speech, delivered at an event Monday on UN reform hosted by the United States, focused on the need for significant management reform at the UN. President Trump mildly criticized the UN for its bloated bureaucracy and mismanagement, while not producing results in line with the sharp increase in the UN budget disproportionately funded by the United States. However, he included in his remarks some praise for the UN’s disaster relief efforts, its feeding of the hungry and UN Secretary General António Guterres’ own UN reform initiatives. 

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