Following the lead of
kneelers is not likely to turn out well for the NFL leadership, club
owners or the players. Quote: "To be clear, de-funding professional
arenas should be done across the board, and not just targeted at teams
which disrespect the national anthem and the American flag. Ending this
unconstitutional practice would be a good idea even if the protests
weren’t underway, but seeing spoiled athletes take a knee is the perfect
opportunity to remind sports leagues that the world doesn’t revolve
around them. Freedom of speech does allow a player to sit out the
national anthem… but the First Amendment does not magically make players
or their teams immune to the fallout. More and more, viewers are exercising free speech
of their own by turning off NFL broadcasts and leaving game tickets
unsold. These proposed bills could give Americans another way to vote
with their dollars, and tell spoiled teams to find their stadium funding
somewhere else.
We close this section with the wisdom contained in the next two pieces.
Quote: "As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People,
we’re at a very crucial crossroads in American history. We have to be
well-informed, not only about current events but well-versed in the
basics of our rights and duties as citizens. If not, in perceived times
of crisis, we may very well find ourselves in the clutches of a
governmental system that is alien to everything for which America
stands. Therein is the menace to our freedoms. So stop falling for the
distractions. Stop allowing yourself to be fooled by propaganda and
partisan politics. Stop acting as if the only thing worth getting
outraged about is whether a bunch of football players stand or kneel for the National Anthem.
Stop being armchair patriots and start acting like foot soldiers for
the Constitution."
"Sunday’s game exposed a clash of loyalties in the hearts of NFL
players. Do black players stand in solidarity with Kaepernick? Do white
players stand beside black teammates, if that means standing with them
as they disrespect the flag under which hundreds of thousands of our
soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines have died? This conflict in
loyalties among NFL players mirrors that of our country, as America
divides and our society disintegrates over issues of morality,
patriotism, race and culture." And, "In terms of fame and fortune, no
professions have proven more rewarding for young black American males
than the NFL and the NBA. Whether they soil their nest is, in the last
analysis, up to them."
The Rest.
is an illustration of the sad state of today's political
leftist/Democrat population in our country. They are going down hill on
the far left side at a very rapid pace.
items have noted the irresponsible and hateful antics of Democrat
representative Maxine Waters. Quote: "On Thursday, Waters had some
advice to give to members of the home-grown terrorist organization group
Black Lives Matter. She implored them to start getting involved in
politics and had “better get controversial.” According to Breitbart,
Waters went on to explain that it is important for black people to play
the race card. In Waters’ world, they better not ask why — they had
better just obey, or risk being alienated by the entire community. Her
disturbing speech gives real insight as to what she thinks needs to
happen in America. The representative did not stop there. She went on to
talk about President Trump and how she believes the situation should be
handled, despite any clear signs of logic or thinking. “Black people,
you better get controversial. You better be controversial. You had
better call it like it is. We have been shut down because others have
defined us,” Waters stated. She acts as though there is some form of
segregation present. Oddly enough, she failed to mention that the
nation just got done with eight-years of President Obama. One would
logically conclude that if systematic racism exists there is no way
Americans would have elected a black president for two terms, right? Wrong, according to Maxine. "
Inciting riots is against the law. She is an American elected official
who is actively seeking harm to the nation and its people. She should
be impeached.
This is an example of
Democrat senator obstructing Trump's judicial nominees. Their position
is apparently based on claims of precedence that has never happened,
Quote: "Oregon's two Democratic senators are blocking one of President
Trump's judicial nominees with claims that a "longstanding" state
tradition mandating that nominees be chosen from their "judicial
selection committee" was violated, but the tradition they cite has never
applied to picks for the U.S. Circuit Court, according to records
viewed by the Washington Free Beacon. Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley alerted the White House that they would be blocking the nomination of Oregon native Ryan Bounds
for a seat on the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
Bounds is currently serving as assistant U.S. Attorney for the District
of Oregon. "We cannot return a blue slip on any judicial nominee that
has not been approved by our bipartisan judicial selection committee,"
the senators wrote in a letter
to the White House referencing the informal "blue slip" process by
which senators are able to block nominations of judges from their home
state. "We have a long history of organizing a committee charged with
thoroughly vetting applicants from the Oregon legal community," the
senators wrote. "We do not intend to return our blue slips for Ryan
Bounds or any other nominee that has not been selected through our
judicial selection process." Though Wyden and Merkley refer to this
selection process as a "longstanding" tradition, records show that
nominees for the U.S. Circuit Court such as Bounds have never been
selected in this fashion."
Democrat Nancy Pelosi gets a taste of her own medicine.
I have for a long time
disliked Republican Senator John McCain. He is dishonest, self serving,
egotistical, an opportunist and has skeletons in his closet. This
piece affirms at least one reason why my feelings are justified. Quote:
"A recent video uncovered a stark truth about McCain that he likely
thought would be buried forever. When
he ran his election in Arizona, one of his main promises was to get rid
of ObamaCare once and for all. In fact, McCain said that ObamaCare is
an “exercise of sleeze.” Now, after shooting down the bill once
and saying that he would do it again, the GOP, as well as the rest of
the United States, is wondering what will happen next." And, "“How
many times is this guy going to rescue ObamaCare from the abyss?”
Bongino asked. This is clearly a trend, and political commentators
around the country are beginning to catch on. “John McCain sold us all
out. And I’m still wondering why he claims to be a Republican senator,
despite being the Democrats’ best friend right now,” Bongino pointed
item provides a very interesting perspective on the whole DACA
spectacle. Quote: "What follows, now that the issue is before Congress,
will show whether the defenders of DACA are sincere in saying that they
wish to distinguish between those deliberately broke the law and those
who were young, innocent victims of their parents. Many of us who oppose
amnesty suspect that they simply want to use DACA as the entering wedge
for a massive amnesty for as many as eleven million illegal
is not the kind of trend we want to see. But, then, the left is
pushing a loose standard for safe sex. Quote: "Sexually transmitted
diseases surged to a record high in the United States last year, with
more than two million cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis
nationwide, officials said Tuesday. This was “the highest number ever,”
said the annual Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance Report
released today by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC). Most of the new cases — 1.6 million in 2016 — involved chlamydia,
a bacterial infection that affects both men and women. Gonorrhea also
increased among men and women last year, but the steepest rise was among
men (22 percent), said the report. Nationwide, gonorrhea cases reached
470,000, with a large share of new gonorrhea cases among men who have
sex with men."
George Orwell saw
what was coming. Boy, was he right.
George Burns