Thursday, June 15, 2017

Items Well Worth Pondering 1

  Quote: "In Part One of this article I detailed how propaganda has been utilized by the Deep State for decades to control the minds of the masses and allow those in control to reap the benefits of never ending war."  And, "I’m constantly amazed by the ability of those in power to create a narrative trusted by a gullible non-critical thinking populace. Appealing to emotions, when you have millions of functionally illiterate, normalcy bias ensnared, iGadget distracted, disciples of the status quo, has been the game plan of the Deep State for the last century. Americans don’t want to think, because thinking is hard. They would rather feel. For decades the government controlled public education system has performed a mass lobotomy on their hapless matriculates, removing their ability to think and replacing it with feelings, fabricated dogma, and social indoctrination. Their minds of mush have been molded to acquiesce to the narrative propagandized by their government keepers.  “The problem isn’t that Johnny can’t read. The problem isn’t even that Johnny can’t think. The problem is that Johnny doesn’t know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling.”Thomas Sowell   With a majority confused, distracted, malleable, willfully ignorant, and easily manipulated by false narratives, heart wrenching images, and fake news, the Deep State henchmen have been able to control the masses with relative ease. The unanticipated rise of Donald Trump to the most powerful role in the world gave many critical thinking, anti-big government, skeptical curmudgeons hope he could drain the swamp and begin to deconstruct the massive out of control Federal bureaucracy."

     Quote: "In Part Two I will discuss recent events, false flags, and propaganda campaigns utilzed by the Deep State to push the world to the brink of war."  And, "It seems the level and intensity of the propaganda campaigns has ratcheted up dramatically in the last half dozen years and appears to be reaching a crescendo as we speak. It’s almost as if the Deep State is frantically trying to maintain the status quo, even as the worldwide financial Ponzi scheme of debt approaches the point of collapse. The domestic conditions in Europe, North America, and Asia are deteriorating rapidly. The propaganda doled out trying to convince citizens their financial situation is not worsening has failed.  The people realize they have been screwed and continue to be screwed by the politicians, bankers and corporate fascists running the show. This is the major reason Trump was elected. People were desperate for someone who offered them a promise of economic revival and reduced government interference in their lives."

     Quote: "In Part Three of this article I will discuss how Trump has been co-opted by the Deep State into doing their bidding with military intervention and bullying across the globe. It’s just a continuation of imperialism run rampant. Empires always decline and fall due to military overreach and economic bankruptcy. The American empire will be no different."   And, "The American Empire has been waging war virtually non-stop since the creation of the Creature from Jekyll Island (aka Federal Reserve) in 1913. After World War II, as the size of the empire grew to heights never seen in world history, the level of hypocrisy, propaganda, maliciousness, immorality, and hubris has grown exponentially. The madness of the men running this colonial empire is concealed through the moral ambiguity and faux patriotism utilized to confuse and mislead a willfully ignorant populace who long ago relinquished their citizenship responsibilities to men they have never seen and never voted for." 

This item deals with the folly of past and present administrations doing the bid of the military industrial complex. Quote:  "How did the American people ever reach this point where they believe that US aggression in the Middle East will make us safe when it does the opposite? How did the American people ever reach the point where they believe that fighting unconstitutional wars is required to protect our freedoms and our Constitution? Why do we allow the NSA, CIA, FBI, TSA, etc. to destroy our liberty at home, as part of the Global War on Terror, with a pretext that they are preserving our liberty?  Why are the lying politicians reelected and allowed to bankrupt our country, destroy our money, and enter wars without the proper consent? Why do the American people suffer in silence and not scream “Enough is enough!”? We’ve had enough of the “humanitarian do-gooders” and the proponents of “American exceptionalism” who give us nothing but war, economic suffering, and less freedom. This can and must be stopped.” – Ron Paul, Swords into Plowshares: A Life in Wartime and a Future of Peace and Prosperity  And, "The only question at this point is whether Trump has already been co-opted by the Deep State military industrial complex or whether he is being manipulated through false flags and traditional propaganda techniques. Based on the slow progress on his domestic agenda of immigration reform, Obamacare repeal, tax cuts, infrastructure spending, and trade reform, it appears Trump decided to take the advice of neo-cons within and outside his administration and distract the masses with some new military adventurism."   You are likely aware that former President Eisenhower warned in his final address to the nation that we must be wary of the power and influence of the military industrial complex. He felt then that it had too much power in government affairs. It still does. Unfortunately, we the people and our government have ignored that warning ever since.  The unintended  negative consequences abound far and wide. 

It would be a good thing if liberals could be introspective enough to recognize themselves in this piece.  Quote: "If self-delusion were magic, average liberals would be David Blaine, David Copperfield and Houdini all rolled up into one. Most of what they say has no relation to what they’re doing, the policies they push rarely work and logic might as well be a strange, alien language to them. Since that’s the case, explaining all the things liberals get wrong about themselves could easily be the topic of my second book (Here’s a link to my first one), but since we only have so much space to work with in a column, here are the top five."  In follow up to this piece here is a cogent quote from Thomas Sowell, "One of the common failings among honorable people is a failure to appreciate how thoroughly dishonorable some other people can be, and how dangerous it is to trust them.”

We can learn something from this guy. Quote: "For an excellent (albeit indirect) analysis of how Austrians and libertarians can advance their cause from a minority position, Taleb’s recent article The Most Intolerant Wins: The Dictatorship of the Small Minority is a must-read. He reminds us that a small minority with courage—the most important form of skin in the game— can prevail over the slumbering masses. And he also reminds us that courageous individual actors, not 51% mass movements, drive real changes in every society: The entire growth of society, whether economic or moral, comes from a small number of people. So we close this chapter with a remark about the role of skin in the game in the condition of society. Society doesn’t evolve by consensus, voting, majority, committees, verbose meeting, academic conferences, and polling; only a few people suffice to disproportionately move the needle. All one needs is an asymmetric rule somewhere. And asymmetry is present in about everything."

This certainly did not happen under Obama's absence of leadership.  Quote: "The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) concluded a six week long anti-gang operation. During the country-wide operation that ran from March 26 to May 6, the agency and local law enforcement arrested close to 1,378 suspects, of which 1,095 had gang affiliations."

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