Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The GOP bill doesn’t replace Obamacare — instead it’s a wreck waiting to happen

GOP health-care bill retains the very Obamacare regulations that are threatening to destroy health insurance markets
During the presidential campaign, Donald Trump promised legislation that “fully repeals Obamacare.” Monday night, the Republican leadership of the House of Representatives released legislation it claims would repeal and replace Obamacare. Tuesday afternoon, Vice President Mike Pence will travel to Capitol Hill to pressure members of Congress to support the bill. On Wednesday, two House Committees will begin to mark up the legislation. House and Senate leaders are hoping for quick consideration and a signing ceremony, maybe by May, so they can move on to other things, like tax reform and confirming Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch. Everyone needs to take a step back. This bill is a train wreck waiting to happen.


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