Friday, March 3, 2017

Interesting Items 3

This left right conflict playing out before our eyes is not a good thing.  This item discusses the dilemma.  Quote: "The left’s combination of evil and stupidity is the driver straightforward from here. With the grim understanding that they hate us, we need to accept that there may be no easy return to peaceful coexistence. Our goal in electing Donald Trump was to remove the left’s hand from our throat, not to put our hand around blue peoples’ collective windpipe. We don’t care how they live their lives, but leftists care very much how we live ours. Their goal is to lock both hands around our throat and squeeze until we submit to leftist tyranny or die.  It’s hard to see how we compromise. Do we just somewhat submit, or only die a little?  This crisis has to culminate somehow. It could end peacefully, with a return to the old norms and reasoned competition between ideas. But it seems no one is interested in that; instead, one side has to win decisively, and one side has to lose decisively. If so, I say we win and they lose, since I’m not ready to submit or to die.  How about you?"   

If you don't think the radical left has been (and continues) undertaking steps to seize permanent control of our country, you need to read this item.  Quote: "A blockbuster new documentary asserts there is a master plan to create a permanent liberal majority in American by flooding it with millions of voters hostile to conservatism.  But "The Enemies Within" also claims forces dedicated to the destruction of this country have even penetrated the national security bureaucracy, endangering Americans and the entire system of constitutional government.  Key to this case is the testimony of Philip Haney, a founding member of the Department of Homeland Security and a counter-terrorism analyst who was widely praised and commended by his superiors throughout his distinguished career."    It is important to remind ourselves that the Obama administration was not supportive of Haney's efforts.

This is not a good story.  Quote: "The left’s combination of evil and stupidity is the driver straightforward from here. With the grim understanding that they hate us, we need to accept that there may be no easy return to peaceful coexistence. Our goal in electing Donald Trump was to remove the left’s hand from our throat, not to put our hand around blue peoples’ collective windpipe. We don’t care how they live their lives, but leftists care very much how we live ours. Their goal is to lock both hands around our throat and squeeze until we submit to leftist tyranny or die. It’s hard to see how we compromise. Do we just somewhat submit, or only die a little?  This crisis has to culminate somehow. It could end peacefully, with a return to the old norms and reasoned competition between ideas. But it seems no one is interested in that; instead, one side has to win decisively, and one side has to lose decisively. If so, I say we win and they lose, since I’m not ready to submit or to die. How about you?

If this is true, John McCain needs to be "tarred and feathered" and run out of the Senate. It has been known for quite some time that he is a self serving politician with a propensity to lie and berate those with which he disagrees. He has for some time now been an embarrassment to himself and the office he holds.   His behavior is that of a man who is afraid his hypocritical façade is about to be lifted.

This woman should not be allowed near a classroom at any educational level.  She is nothing but a leftist Islamic propagandist and Jew hater.

This is for those who believe the political left call Trump and those who support him "fascists".  The left, as usual, does not have facts in hand.  Fascism is a leftist political philosophy, always has been.  This piece explains.  Quote: "Leftists who are not so focused on economics (your average accuser) simply have a tendency to conflate America’s right, or La Pen’s National Front, or even British conservatives, with what was once, in 1933, known as “the right," simply because they bear the same moniker. This is an illusory correlation akin to thinking today’s liberals have something in common with the classical liberals of early America; they are alike only in name."  and, "In other words, fascism shares an extricable relationship with statism, or collectivism— the obverse of individualism. It is regrettable then that the word continues to be ascribed to ardent opposers of fascist systems, namely American Republicans. With a little digging, we find its true form, and there is little similarity between it and the American right."   The frequency with which the political left bungles the facts is astounding.

This is foolishness on steroids if not outright hypocrisy.  Unhinged Democrat politicians are seeking to remove Trump from office.  Their reason?  They have unilaterally decided he is mentally unfit for office.  My concern is that if these people really believe Trump is mentally ill, they are the ones who need their heads examined..  The left has lost all credibility with their mounting number of irrational and irresponsible antics.  As noted in the article mental health experts say these unqualified politicians have no basis whatever to level their ridiculous charge.   and, this is a another symptom of the serious illness from which many on the left are suffering.

This is something the holier than thou left will never tell you.  If you illegally cross into Mexico territory you are arrested, deported or jailed.  But, hypocritical Mexican officials and American leftists of all stripes rail at us when we do the very same thing.  Do you think that is okay??? 

The irrational if not insane behavior exhibited by so many on the political left seems to go unnoticed by their own.  However, they claim that Trump is insane and needs to be removed from office.  Apparently their logic in making this claim is that he is doing exactly what he said he was going to while running for office.  Truth of the matter is that many on the left are exhibiting behavior that could be the results of mental instability.  Examples have surfaced in recent years that give rise to that notion.  I will not display them here since many have appeared in past notes.  This is a recent example of misguided and irrational leftist maneuvers resulting suffering from Trump derangement syndrome.
Trumps war with the intelligence community is not new.   Quote: "This is not a recent assumption. It goes all the way back to the early days of the CIA; Eisenhower, Kennedy.  In 2016, the IC leadership decided Trump would be a threat to their power, so they leaked/invented information about the Russians influencing the election on behalf of Trump. This effort was aimed at corroding his right to claim that he was the legitimate president.  The war continues. The IC doesn’t want presidents with independent ideas.
They’re the bosses, and they intend to keep it that way.  The snake slithers in the sun and the shade. It moves deftly and collects information and decides what to do with it. It compiles its own private list of enemies and allies. It senses its own power. Why should it honor its mandate? There is an Empire to be gained."

Would you like to see the real enemy of our country?   Watch this video.

This is an accurate assessment of the unhinged political left's irrational and grossly irresponsible behavior since Trump was elected.  But, then, they have a goal in mind that most Americans will not like if they are successful. Quote: "The United States has always stood in the way of the One World Government, a New World Order. If the U.S. continues to accept and support the values of the liberal left – that will soon change. Open borders, anything goes, government corruption, loss of marriage and family values – this WILL lead to the loss of U.S. sovereignty to the likes of leftist libs like George Soros, the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bilderberg Group, and the United Nations to name a few. These godless and deeply corrupt persecutors of our great nation are actively working to usher in the new age – The One World Government."

Very interesting discussion regarding secession.  Quote: "These competing visions are reaching an endgame vis-a-vis one another. As Angelo Codevilla observes, the left has overplayed its hand. The regular folks have reached the limits of their toleration of leftist intimidation and thought control, and are hitting back.  We can fight it out, or we can go our separate ways.  When I say go our separate ways, I don’t mean “the left” goes one way and “the right” goes another. I mean the left goes one way and everyone else — rather a diverse group indeed — goes another. People who live for moral posturing, to broadcast their superiority over everyone else, and to steamroll differences in the name of “diversity,” should go one way, and everyone who rolls his eyes at all this should go another.  “No people and no part of a people,” said Ludwig von Mises nearly one hundred years ago, “shall be held against its will in a political association that it does not want.” So much wisdom in that simple sentiment. And so much conflict and anguish could be avoided if only we heed it."

A very interesting assessment of how to evaluate a president.

Want to read of some disgusting Republican congressional misbehavior?  Far too many have no guts at all.

Some more Walter Williams wisdom.  Sure wish the left would listen.   Now, read this and see what you think of the racial divide.

Joe Scarborough cannot contain himself.  Hillary's hypocrisy is stunning.

This item offers proof that the left is narrative driven and makes fake claims that facts repeatedly disprove.  This guy displays his complete ignorance of history.  Leftist like him qualify as lying useful idiots for their socialistic agenda.  Disgusting.

An example of Facebook censorship.

If you do not think liberals/Democrats and the mainstream media are total hypocrites this item will disabuse you of that notion.

It is notable that this UN executive and a socialist agrees with Obama and Hillary in blaming radical Islam on people who are Islamaphobic.  He is either a certified idiot or a woefully uninformed person if he really believes that nonsense.  Quote: "The United Nations — under a new leader who personally oversaw the relocation of millions of Muslim refugees into the U.S., Canada and Europe — is doubling down on its “anti-Islamophobia” campaign against the West.  U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres, a Portuguese socialist who headed the U.N’s refugee agency before being promoted to secretary general in January, traveled to Saudi Arabia this week where he sat with Saudi royals and cited “Islamophobia” as the reason for increasing terrorism around the world.
“One of the things that fuel terrorism is the expression in some parts of the world of Islamophobic feelings and Islamophobic policies and Islamophobic hate speeches,” Guterres said at a joint news conference with Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir."

Obamacare MUST be repealed and placed.  It is a socialistic nightmare that has done far more harm than good.  Quote: "But the Democratic Party, which built itself on slavery to the state and socialism as its creed, has been fighting for government-run health care since the Truman Administration. Democrats are already in diminished disarray, but this single-payer fantasy endures. Why? It’s a sad testimony to conservatives’ failure of messaging and engagement. Yes, we need to outline the needs for market-based medicine, and to expose the corrupt destructive elements of single-payer health systems, a.k.a socialized medicine.  Yet we are too nice when discussing the faults, failures, and pure moral failings of this universal disaster. Socialism kills, people. It leads to unsanitary hospitals, stagnant innovations, personnel shortages, and forced hospices. Republicans need to pummel (politically) anyone who pushes maintenance of Obamacare, or an expansion of state control into medicine. Organizing for Action has reassembled precisely to defend Obamacare? One problem: it’s indefensible. There is no common ground anymore!"

Chelsea Clinton gets put in her place.  Rightly so.  The irredeemable hypocrisy of the left is stunning.
This is a proper twist on the left's misguided use of the term fascist to describe Trump.  The moniker more rightly belongs to them.

This agency represents itself as a research agency seeking out hate groups.  The truth is it is the nation's premiere left wing hate group.  It cannot find anything on the left hateful but finds hate everywhere but the left.  It has long been a disgusting enterprise.

This piece claims that American feminists are Islam's version of useful idiots.  I tend to agree.  This item explains.   

If this is true, it confirms that Hillary is a deceitful, self-centered, hateful and most unethical person.

George Burns

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