You will find this piece
most interesting and far more truthful than not. Quote: "Why does Obama
know better? Not out of any intense study of or reflection on
diplomatic and world history and international relations theory. Not
because he served in the military or in the diplomatic corps or held
senior posts in government prior to election as president. What graces
Obama with superior insight and prudence is the simple fact of his own
existence. He is his own proof of his superiority." And, "Confidence
is one thing. But Obama is more than confident. He’s narcissistic. He
looks at the world and sees nothing but his reflection: rational, cool,
unmoved, and always right. When reality surprises him, it’s not because
he’s in error. It’s because Putin or Assad or the mullahs have failed to
live up to the standards he’s set for them. Forget about them being
true to themselves. They’re not being true to Barack Obama. And Barack
Obama, lest we forget, is all that matters."
Ponder this item with great
care. You will be exposed to things that will make you uncomfortable.
Check the links to add credibility to the summary offered by this
author. Quote: "I could cite much more from Cartalucci and Turbeville,
who effectively argue that ISIS is a created tool of the US government
and its allies. I strongly recommend you read and study their work. As
far as the Brussels attacks are concerned, if we assume that ISIS was
responsible, the whole scenario is turned upside down after analyzing
the basis of ISIS. The Obama administration (jointly with the Bush
administration) should be announcing: “Well, we keep ISIS alive.
Unfortunately, things happen. One of those things is Brussels.” And
then you could go on to query the sincerity of the word
If you think this is a good
trend then you can thank our progressive, liberal and Democrat
leaders/cultural warriors in government, academia, media and the
Hollywood cesspool.
This item provide insights that reinforces the previous item. Quote: "Scientists researching the common characteristics of psychopathy now use a list of predominant qualities displayed by psychopaths that they’ve meticulously studied. The characteristics are quite telling and perhaps disturbing, as many can recognize these attributes in people around them. While they estimate only 2 to 4% of the population are psychopaths, Amerika ranking with a high percentile of those they have identified, they clearly understand that these types of non-empathic dehumanizing freaks gravitate towards positions of power. See how these attributes ingrained in such ideas as manifest destiny and American supremacism match up to the collective American way of life and its effect on the world of today:"
And progressives brag about
how compassionate and understanding they are. They really care about
the little people. Well, their vaunted identity politics has blown up
in the face of this little six year old girl and the prospective couple
who wanted to adopt her. Legalized progressive identity politics takes
precedence over the life of a child. She is 1 & 1/2%
Choctaw Indian so the law say she belongs to the Choctaw tribe. Quote:
"Because of the Inadian Child Welfare Act - a federal law from the 1970s
- Lexi must live with Native Americans even though the Pages are the
only family she has ever known. This is one of many sad examples.
How one's mind and the
times change when you have control over revisionist history and the
propaganda pushed by schools and the media. More truth by Thomas
Sowell. Quote: "Southern segregationists who railed against blacks were
often also Progressives who railed against Wall Street. Back in those
days, blacks voted for Republicans as automatically as they vote for
Democrats today." And, "Later, when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was
sponsored by Democrats, a higher percentage of Congressional Republicans
voted for it than did Congressional Democrats. Revisionist histories
tell a different story. But, as Casey Stengel used to say, "You could
look it up" -- in the Congressional Record, in this case." And, "The
biggest difference between the left and right today, when it comes to
racial issues, is that liberals tend to take the side of those blacks
who are doing the wrong things -- hoodlums the left depicts as martyrs,
while the right defends those blacks more likely to be the victims of
those hoodlums." Think about it. Maybe the truth will filter
This truth has a long
history and lets all hope the necessary and badly needed backlash to
its horrendous reality will soon be forthcoming. These guys think it
may be upon us. Quote: "I have been saying in this space for some time
that the illiberalism of the Social Justice Warrior left is going to
call forth and legitimize a backlash. Trump is that backlash. Douthat is
right that Trump’s authoritarianism is a temptation, but I think it’s
important to recognize, as Douthat does, that the militant left plays a
key role in giving Trump fuel for his fire. And not just the militant
left that turns up to no-platform conservative speakers. I’m talking the
militant left that makes normal, everyday life impossible because it is
forever finding a new reason to be offended and demand
satisfaction." Are you proud of this behavior of your supporters people of the political left???
More and more radical liberal Democrats are showing their real colors. This guy is unhinged.
This is a blatant example
of the left trying to impose its will, its values, its demands on the
broad public. Tyrannical, yes. Fair, no. Quote: "The Georgia
legislature recently passed a religious freedom bill. It was a
compromise piece of legislation. Supporters wanted it to apply to
for-profit businesses. That did not happen. Opponents wanted specific
language saying the legislation did not allow discrimination. That was
added. The legislature compromised, but the left wants to compromise.
They want total submission."
Speaking of the truth,
consider this interesting piece. Quote: "The mainstream media -- that
is, the liberal media -- share all the views and characteristics of the
left. Among these is the left's view of truth. There are honest
individuals with left-wing views, and dishonest individuals on the
right. But truth is not a leftist value. Everything the left believes in
is more important than truth: social justice, economic equality,
reducing carbon emissions, expanding the power of the state, battling
sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, racism, and above all of these,
destroying its conservative opposition. The media's coverage of
President Barack Obama's nomination of Judge Merrick Garland to the
Supreme Court should serve as one of the most blatant examples of both
the left-wing orientation of the news media and their willingness to
play with truth.
Who says gun ownership is dangerous? There are hundreds if not thousands of more examples.
This is something the many
of us have known for a long time. It is finally getting the attention
it deserves although it may be too late to repair the damage. Quote:
"This staggering level of debt simply can’t be paid by taxpayers. The
stark fact is that governments all over the Western world have enriched
themselves and created a protected elite of their own employees
comparable to a feudal system in which the peasants struggle to survive
while handing over all of their surplus to a governing elite that rules
This is evidence that "the
most transparent administration in history" failed that test many times
over. The record is truly abysmal. Quote: "Obama has long described
his administration is the most transparent in history." BUT, "The
number of records cases in which federal officials came up empty
increased by 35 percent over fiscal year 2014."
It is really, really hard
to find a Democrat who is not full of you know what and lies with
impunity. Take Obama, Hillary, Nancy, Elijah, Joe, Chuck,
Debbie, etc.. They are all well known to have trouble with the truth.
While multiple other examples could be offered this will do. It deals
with Harry Reid. Take note of his words when George W. Bush was in
office which are the direct opposite of those his more recent words.
Quote: "In 2005, Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) spoke on the Senate floor and
insisted he and his colleagues had no constitutional duty to approve
President George W. Bush’s Supreme Court nominee. Fast forward to 2016,
he’s changing his tune. In a Washington Post article, Reid writes, “The
Senate’s constitutional duty to give a fair and timely hearing and a
floor vote to the president’s Supreme Court nominees has remained
inviolable.” All those cited above have said similar things, some
multiple times. They either have short memories or think the public is
too stupid to call out their obvious lies and blatant hypocrisy. Good
job Chuck Todd.
I am not a fan of Bill
Maher but I admire his willingness to call out
foolishness/irresponsibility/lies when deserved/warranted. Quote: "If
vaccines are so perfect, why are we condemning those who research them
fairly? Their accolades should stand on their own merits and come out
unscathed to a little push back. My biggest fear is that people are
continuing never to question anything are going to lead us down a path
of severely deprived autonomy. Our liberty is at stake here. Nothing
Maher is saying in this video is out of line, nor is it anti-science and
nor is it conspiracy theorist. For all you vaccine proponents, doesn’t
it scare you that those who merely ask a question about vaccines are
shunned? Isn’t that a little suspicious?"
Again I agree with Maher.
Although he likes Obama he also knows he is a liar. In a recent
interview he corrected Obama lies. Quote: "Granholm re-iterated her
point that tagging all Muslims with the actions of a “small slice” is
wrong. Maher countered, “But it’s not one small slice. You know,
everybody talks about this, like there are no numbers. Obama said it’s
very important for us to align ourselves with the 99.9% of Muslims who
are looking for the same thing we’re looking for, order, peace,
prosperity. I love the president, but he just pulled that number right
out of his a**. There are numbers. We had a guest on a couple of weeks
ago, Raheel Raza. … She goes by the numbers. That’s what her video was
called. 53% of the population of 39 Muslim countries that were surveyed
want, Sharia Law. sharia law, death for leaving Islam, death for
insulting the prophet, or the Koran, stoning a woman to death for
adultery, amputation for theft, whipping for missing Friday prayers ,or
drinking alcohol. The numbers vary from country to country, but this
idea that it’s just this small problem, the reason why this is a unique
problem, why I was imploring [Sen.]
to say that, is because it is distinct a threat based on the size. The New York Times says there are 5,000 militant Islamic groups in the world, armies, like Boko Haram, and ISIS, and the Taliban, and al Qaeda, intent — they want to get nuclear weapons, support from the local population. I’m not saying most people want to commit terrorist acts, I’m saying they have illiberal ideas, that are sometimes in line with what the terrorists believe, and recent events.”
Because it is quite
lengthy, when time permits please read this piece which links
communism/marxism and the environmental movement. Quote: "We don’t need
to be “saved” by allegedly benevolent central planners and
self-anointed world improvers. If humanity and civilization are to
continue to advance, the idea that a select few wise men will be able to
coerce us toward Utopia has to be vigorously opposed. Ideologies based
on Marxist ideas have done more than enough damage already. The
popularity of these ideas continually waxes and wanes and they have
recently gained currency again – not least because the current system of
cronyism has been falsely advertised as representing free market
capitalism. While a market economy continues to be in place, it is a
severely hampered one and it is not surprising that many people feel it
isn’t delivering what they think it should. It is important though to
make clear that there is no salvation in an even more statist and
socialist system. Voluntary cooperation and freedom are the only way
George Burns
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