Saturday, April 11, 2015

Climate Debate

This note extends past Climate Change discussions.  Peruse at your leisure.  They are thoughtful and most informative.  Some are particularly insightful.

This item was written by Dr. Patrick Moore, the co-founder of  "Greenpeace and currently serves as chair of Allow Golden Rice. Moore received the 2014 Speaks Truth to Power Award at the Ninth International Conference on Climate Change, July 8."  He provides his reasons for being a climate change skeptic.  Quote: "By its constitution, the IPCC has a hopeless conflict of interest. Its mandate is to consider only the human causes of global warming, not the many natural causes changing the climate for billions of years. We don’t understand the natural causes of climate change any more than we know if humans are part of the cause at present. If the IPCC did not find humans were the cause of warming, or if it found warming would be more positive than negative, there would be no need for the IPCC under its present mandate. To survive, it must find on the side of the apocalypse." 

This item is an opinion piece that offers a unique view of climate change, provides a bit of history and what is apparently not considered by its advocates.  While it offers insight into the author's opinion he provides the historical sources supporting his observations. I highly recommend reading this item.  

This is but one of many examples of the provable problems associated with climate change. This one is regards tampering with evidence.  Quote: Columnist Christopher Booker cites the work of Paul Homewood on his “Not A Lot of People Know That” climate blog. He writes about a study of 60 years of Paraguay climate data, "In each instance, the actual trend of 60 years of data had been dramatically reversed, so that a cooling trend was changed to one that showed a marked warming,” wrote Booker.  In the new piece, Booker reports on Homewood’s research into the original and revised data at many other South American weather stations.  “In each case he found the same suspicious one-way ‘adjustments,’” reported Booker."  And, "“Look for a cover-up because there’s huge volumes of money involved,” he said. “There are political implications with this [and] with Obama with climate change as the key thing. Now they’ve got the pope involved in it. So there will be a scramble to counteract this. I mean a real vigorous scramble.”  So how will climate-change activists fight back against these revelations? [PhD meterologist] Ball expects the same tactics he’s witnessed through the decades in this debate.  “They tell lies,” he said. “They come out and say severe weather has increased when it hasn’t. They say that the temperature is continuing to increase when it hasn’t. They just tell lies about it, and that’s what’s going on. Of course, as everybody knows, it’s not the original crime that gets you in trouble. It’s the cover-up.”

The old adage of follow the money applies to the climate alarmists dubious claims of the need to fund even more dubious global warming abatement initiatives, money much better spent for the benefit of mankind in a host of other areas.  Businesses, average Americans and especially the poor will pay the price for this unconscionable and unjustified over-reach on the part of the government. This item illustrates the point. Regarding six initiatives the climate alarmists are pursuing consider this quote: "Above all, it reflects a conviction that alarmists have a right to control our energy use, lives, livelihoods and living standards, with no transparency and no accountability for mistakes they make or damage they inflict on disfavored industries and families."  

This item explores some of the implications of new EPA rules and the damage they cause by complicating construction, utility and a host of other projects intended for good, not to mention the exorbitant costs and time delays they cause for little if any measurable gain. Quote: "The CEQ and White House violate the letter, spirit and intent of NEPA when they abuse it to protect us from exaggerated or imaginary climate risks decades from now – by hobbling job creation, families, human health and welfare, and environmental quality tomorrow. That their actions will impact poor, minorities and working classes most of all makes the CEQ proposal even more pernicious."

Back in September 2014 Weather Bell Channel chief scientist, Joe Bastardi, expressed his frustration with those promoting the climate change narrative.  Here are a couple of quotes.  "The mask came off. It’s about destroying capitalism, destroying freedom as we know it,” said Bastardi, who earlier this week suggested climate science was “prostituted” by global warming activists."  Remember this remark was made by Bastardi a full year before the Chief UN climate scientist publically admitted that climate change is not the issue they are attacking but capitalism as we know it,”

One would think that the person in charge of the EPA would know the answer to these simple questions.  Here is what she is up to despite her lack of knowledge about the topic she is charged with managing.

Quote: "Spencer is not the first to criticize NCDC’s adjustments to temperature data. Science blogger Steven Goddard (his pen name) has been arguing for years that government climate agencies have been tampering with temperature data to create a significant warming trend where none actually exists. “NCDC pulls every trick in the book to turn the US cooling trend into warming. The raw data shows cooling since the 1920s,” Goddard told The Daily Caller News Foundation in a previous interview."

The item at the link is much more likely an influence on our weather patterns than CO2 which is claimed to be a dangerous atmospheric pollutant, even though as this item points out, it is a mere 0.039% of the atmosphere and is good for forests and agriculture.  Quote: "It is common sense to believe that the sun has more influence on global temperatures than a trace gas. With a 17 year “pause” in the predicted outcomes of an increase in atmospheric CO2, warmists face more and more awkward questions. If temperatures actually decline as a result of an expected decrease in solar activity, at some point the game will be up, and the billions of dollars a year squandered on climate modeling that doesn’t predict what happens will have to dry up."

This item reviews the efficacy of geoengineering projects seeking to curb CO2 emissions.

Another item that pokes a hole in the climate change story.    Dubious predictions continue to emerge based on other global warming predictions.  These two professors claim that airlines will be routinely forced out of the air because of global warming 50 years hence.   And here:  

George Burns

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