I don't make this stuff up.  He creates these examples all by himself.

The man not able to accept blame for another one of his screw ups.  This time he blames the Republicans, again.  http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jun/24/obama-blames-republicans-poor-border-security/   The people he blames are the ones pushing for border security he has not provided but is by law required to do.  But, using his convoluted logic, they are the ones at fault.  The man is totally disgusting.

If this does not tell you something about the president I don't know what will.  The Supreme Court has rejected 13 of his unethical and illegal actions since 2012.  But he continues on his self-centered merry way any way.  What a fool...and he taught Constitutional Law at the university level???  I feel sorry for those students.  If they learned anything it was surely wrong.   http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/381296/supreme-court-rules-unanimously-against-obama-12th-and-13th-time-2012-john-fund

He is not only incompetent in running the office of the president, he is an unethical partisan having his own agenda without any regard for the people he harms.   http://personalliberty.com/obamas-war-american-coal-reveals-manchurian-president/

Need more evidence of his ethics, absence of any morality?   http://www.lewrockwell.com/2014/06/no_author/the-presidency-is-murder-inc/

Thanks Mr. Obama.  Your Obamacare just caused this university to raise it tuition rates.  Good job.  http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/18085/  

This is about both Obama and Holder.  Two of a kind.   http://www.humanevents.com/2014/06/25/obamas-enforcer-eric-holders-justice-department/

Wait a minute!  Didn't President Obama tell us that there is not a "smidgen of evidence of wrong doing in the IRS?   http://eaglerising.com/6971/breaking-news-proof-irs-broke-law/

If this turns out to be true, look out.  http://www.westernjournalism.com/revealed-obama-admin-knew-benghazi-consulate-going-attacked/

This is a real mess.  It can be completely laid at Obama's feet.  His unethical, even illegal actions of which this is just one, merit impeachment.   http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2667459/ 

George Burns