Friday, August 2, 2013

Obamaphones - Anothr Taxpayer Rip-off

I have two questions.  Do you think you should be paying for your phone bill?  Do you think you should be contributing to the purchase of phones for others and to the payment of thier bills, too?  The answer to the first question is "of course."  The answer to the second is "you are" whether you want to or not.  

As the below article explains the government set up the program in 1984 to help the poor get phone service courtesy of taxpayers.  Ever since the number of phones and phone bills we taxpayers collectively pay for has grown, especially during the past five years.  And, you will probably not be surprised to learn that there are a host of not so poor customers who get the service thanks to our tax dollars and another poorly managed government run program.  There are three sets of beneficiaries.  The phone manufacturers and service providers who make money selling their products/services and the recipients who get both free phones and free service. 

George Burns

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