Thursday, August 22, 2013

Joe Wilson Was So Right

Joe Wilson Day will acknowledge and applaud the Congressman’s bold declaration of the truth about our president, Barack Obama. Four years ago next month, at Mr. Obama’s address to a joint session of Congress on his health care proposal, Mr. Wilson cried out “You lie!” at one of the numerous false statements in the president’s speech. Today, after having had several years to study this president’s truthfulness, objective observers recognize that Mr. Wilson’s verbal volley could serve as a suitable response to virtually every proclamation of our current president.
Our federalist system is intended to allow states and localities to approach matters of public interest in their own ways, and so it will be with Joe Wilson Day celebrations. Some cities will hold large “town hall” style gatherings, with speakers and seminars and panel discussions. Smaller towns may opt for assemblies in the public square. Across all venues, the common theme will be the righteous anger of Americans at the dishonesty of our government and its officials in general, and in particular the fondness for falsehoods of president Barack Obama.
In each locale, selected presidential prevarications will be recalled, and responsive chants of “You lie!” will be invited from the audience. Most programs will lead with a reprise of lies from the very speech that elicited Mr. Wilson’s pointed assessment of the president’s veracity. So, for example, Obama impersonators may regale audiences with these classics from September 2009: 

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