Saturday, June 22, 2013

On Corker amendment - like larger bill - Senators make promises their legislation won't keep

If you haven't read the Corker-Hoeven amendment to the Senate immigration bill, you aren't alone. Congress hasn't read it either. The Gang of Eight and the cosponsors of Corker-Hoeven spent the last couple of days boasting about the amendment, and making promises about what it would do, then Majority Leader Reid sent the Senate home with a 1,000-plus-page reading assignment for the weekend. The text of the amendment wasn't released until Friday afternoon. The Senate votes on Monday. Additional handwritten changes to the amendment have yet to be distributed to every Senator.
This is Senator Schumer's version of "transparency."
The plan is clearly to vote on the amendment before the public learns that they've been sold a bill of goods. The Corker-Hoeven amendment - like the larger bill - is a fraud, sold by the authors with falsehoods so these Senators might give their corporate donors the flood of labor they crave. Twenty million unemployed and underemployed Americans be damned. 

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