Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bring Down the Obama Administration

Their are only1,349 days are remaining in Barack Obama's presidency.
Sounds like a lifetime, doesn't it? Particularly as the president's second term is weighed down by scandal, it's difficult to imagine what further shame he can heap upon this situation.
Reflect on what America endured in Obama's first term. Exploding a debt and spending in Washington; a stagnant economic "recovery" hobbled by taxes and regulations; a disastrous government health care take-over; a weakened posture abroad; serial scandals like the IRS harassment of conservative organizations and the shameful Benghazi affair...the list goes on. It's tough to imagine what he has up his sleeve for the next four years. 
Will the Washington media tell us the truth about the Obama administrations arrogance, incompetence, and corruption? Good luck on that. Most of our nation's news leaders have essentially given themselves over to serve as state-run media outlet.
Which means its up to us to get the info we need to make up our minds. America needs honest brokers who look at the facts about what President Obama and his allies are doing to this nation, and lay out the case against his agenda with force, clarity, and verve.

Samuel Burns

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