Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Multiple Sources Unravel The White House Version Of The Benghazi Tradegedy

The linked article does a good job of integrating multiple sources of information which completely unravel the various White House and State Department versions of the 11 September 2012 attack on the US Embassy in Benghazi, Libya which resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including our Ambassador.  It firmly estalishes that both the White House and State Department press officers have not been truthful in either identifying the perpetrators of the attack or detailing events and personnel involved.  Their actions and those of others are now emerging as a coordinated political cover-up.  It also calls into serious question public remarks made by senior officials at the State Department, CIA and Department of Defence, including the verasity/truthfulness of  testimony given at congressional hearings. The truthfulness of Congressional testimoney given by then Secretary of State is now in question since she was never placed under oath.  And, it affirms that comments given by UN Ambassador Susan Rice on 5 different Sunday morning news shows several days after the attack were revised 12 times by opperatives within the White House, CIA and State Department. Notably, briefings on the cause and what occured given by both the President and Ms. Rice to the nation and the United Nations were radically different from the facts known within just hours after the attack. The seriousness of the apparent cover-up cannot be overstated.  It appears that political considerations over-rode government leadership obligations to protect those that died.  Please read this link and its internal links for details.          
     George Burns

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