Thursday, May 2, 2013

Does This Guy Deserve Consideration For A High Government Position?

This man is dangerous if what he says is what he believes.  Evidence exists that he does given his racists views.  Yet, knowing this our President nominated him anyway.  Is this just another lapse in judgment?  Or, does he agree with Mr. Watt?  Either way his nomination should trouble anyone who believes those serving in vital government positions should possess unquestioned professionalism and integrity.  What are the odds that a healthy debate regarding his nomination will be possible given the prevailing PC culture that makes it next to impossible to engage openly and honestly in polite conversation, much less important deliberations?  My guess is that openness and honesty goes out the window and PC wins.  If that happens the already flagging integrity of our nation's governance will go from bad to worse.  See link.

George Burns

PS:  Here is an example of how sick and pervasive our PC culture has become.

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