For more than four years now we have had the opportunity to observe the methods employed by community organizers to get their way for their own reasons, no matter the consequences.  This brief article provides a good orientation of the consequences of complacency on the part of individual citizens and how community organizers take advantage.  Such is our current state - opinions, desires and agendas without sound reasoning or factual basis dominate today's governance - seemingly the baseline of laws as established by the constitution no longer apply.  Decisions are based more on emotions instead of rational thought.  Providing for the interests of special interest groups is the rule.  Providing for the interests of "all" individual citizens is clearly secondary, if considered at all.  This must change.  A relevant quote from the linked article:  "There has never been a better time to launch a full educational assault and teach people about the constitution. As the powers that be continue to encroach and the scandals continue to emerge people will be stirring up their own discontent and dissatisfaction because they will realize they are not getting what they voted for."  Let's join forces and bring about a return to our founding principles by limiting the size and power of government, protecting individual rights and re-embraceing Constitutional fundamentals. 

 George Burns