Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Budget

Ever since Mitt Romney picked Paul Ryan as running mate, people have been quite frightened of this thing called a “budget” that Ryan has been proposing. It’s been many years since our country has seen such a thing, so I thought I’d address some common questions and allay the concerns out there.
Did Paul Ryan invent this idea of a “budget” to try to undermine President Obama?
No, budgets have been around for a long time, and America has actually had them in the past. Even Jimmy Carter had a budget, and he was a complete failure at everything.
Didn’t the Nazis and the KKK also have budgets?
After years of going without a federal budget, the idea of a budget may sound scary, but it’s actually a common thing for governments to have them. Budgets aren’t evil at all.
The purpose of a budget seems to be to limit what the government can spend on the poor, the elderly, and people who just don’t feel like working, so why are so many people intent on making us have a budget? Do they hate the needy?
The compelling force behind our need for a budget is something called “math.”
Why should math have any influence on the federal government? It was never elected.
Math always has — or at least had — an influence on what the government can do. Think of it as a large, outside influence that is always there, like George Soros.

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