Saturday, August 25, 2012

Islam a Religion of Peace? Actions Say Otherwise

At the 3:40 point of this AT video entitled "Obama Promoting Islam," President Barack Hussein "kill list" Obama says, "Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism; it is an important part of promoting peace."
Saying "that Islam embodied a religion of peace, fairness and tolerance," Obama then commented "that the religion was being 'distorted' by a few extremists."  He made that statement in Mumbai, India, on November 7, 2010, at St. Xavier's College.  In the irony department, St. Xavier's College is a short distance from Chhatrapati Shivaji railroad terminal, where, in November 2008, Islamic terrorists killed 173 people and injured 308 people.
When asked by a St. Xavier's student, "What is your take or opinion about jihad?"  Obama stumbled (I guess he was sans teleprompter), then continued, "Well..."  Then he paused.  "You know, uh..."  He paused again, then, leaning on a  cliché about the "Great Religions of the World, " said:
The phrase jihad has a lot of meaning within Islam and is subject to a lot of different interpretations, but I will say that first Islam is one of the world's great religions.  More than a billion people practise [sic] Islam and an overwhelming majority view their obligations to a religion that reaffirms peace, fairness, tolerance.  I think all of us recognise [sic] that this great religion in the hands of a few extremists has been distorted by violence.

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