Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Biden/Harris: No More Aid for Hurricane Victims

As Southeastern states were devastated by a Biblical disaster, Biden was relaxing on the beach in Delaware.

As the administration ships billions abroad, it shortchanges and even ignores distressed Americans.

Since Ohio has been voting Republican lately, the residents of the region have been largely ignored by the federal government.

We just don't know yet, and the federal government doesn't seem that interested.

Governor Ron DeSantis appears to be doing more to help the residents of North Carolina than Joe Biden, who can't be bothered.

What we WILL get is endless coverage of climate change and even attacks on Trump for visiting the stricken region and bringing aid that the federal government has not.

So Biden goes to the beach, Harris is off campaigning for president, and Americans are left to die because, after all, they are likely Republicans anyway. 


More Than 200 Retired Admirals And Generals Endorse Trump

 In a letter published Monday morning, Flag Officers 4 America issues a stinging indictment of the failed policies of President Joe Biden and his cackling vice president, Kamala Harris, the Democrats replacement standard bearer following the party's silent coup in July.

The endorsement is also a counter shot at the recent letter from Trump-hating former national security officials endorsing Harris.

The retired admirals and generals argue America is at a stark crossroads, with the nearly 250-year-old republic facing an existential choice between standing with the constitution and " its underlying traditional values which have made America great" or continuing down the path to "The deadly abyss of socialism and authoritarian cultural marxism." "Today our Nation has never been more divided as the cultural war, supported by the Democratic party, divides our citizens into conflicting groups," states the letter, signed by highly decorated commanders such as Maj. General Patrick H. Brady, Maj. General James E. Livingston, and Vice Admiral Howard B. Thorsen.

A wide open border has allowed millions of "Unvetted illegals from 160 countries," including 100,000 Chinese, most of military age, "Plus thousands of criminals and terrorists" to pour into the country and "Place America at great risk." "Future terrorist attacks of some size and U.S. soil are a near certainty," the letter states.

The same corporate media players eviscerated Flag Officers 4 America's public letter in 2021 criticizing how the 2020 presidential election was rigged, particularly in critical swing states.

In the letter, the retired admirals and generals warned about the Biden-Harris administration's open border policies, its censoring of speech, its reengagement with Iran in the "Flawed Iran Nuclear Deal", and Biden's immediate order killing the Keystone Pipeline.

Ultimately, the retired admirals and generals ask Americans the simple but critical question Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan asked in late October 1980: Are you better off than you were four years ago? "We must ask: 'Is our national security stronger or weaker today than four years ago?' The answer is clear," the letter argues.


President Trump Launches Fundraising Campaign to Aid Americans Devastated by Hurricane Helene — Raises Over $1 Million in Less Than Two Hours

In the wake of Hurricane Helene’s devastating impact, former President Donald Trump is once again stepping up to do what the current administration won’t.

“North Carolina has really been hit hard, really, really bad, the hardest.

Big-name donors, including Senator Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) ($500,000), UFC CEO Dana White ($100,000), Dan Newlin ($100,000), and Bass Pro Shops ($100,000), quickly stepped up to offer significant contributions offline.

But while the Biden administration fumbles in its response, President Trump is taking swift action to provide relief where it’s needed most.

In a statement to the press on Monday morning, Trump blasted the White House’s unresponsiveness, saying: “They’re having a very hard time getting the President on the phone; he won’t get on, and of course, the Vice President, she’s out someplace campaigning, looking for money.” Trump confirmed he would be traveling to North Carolina next, one of the hardest-hit states by Hurricane Helene, to provide direct support and meet with officials.

As the Category Four storm leaves a path of destruction over 500 miles wide across several Southeastern states, more than 100 people have reportedly lost their lives, and millions are left without power.

“The federal government is not being responsive.” Not one to sit idly by, Trump’s campaign team, led by Finance Director Meredith O’Rourke, has launched a GoFundMe page to provide immediate relief to the victims of Hurricane Helene. 


HBO mum on why J6 documentary excluded footage of Pelosi admitting security failures

HBO eventually gave House Republicans video clips from filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi documentaries on the Jan. 6 riot, including her mother, then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, taking "responsibility" for inadequate security, including the National Guard not being at the Capitol beforehand.

“We're calling the National Guard now?"

Alexandra Pelosi used footage shot Jan. 6 in not one but two HBO documentaries – “Pelosi in the House” and “The Insurrectionist Next Door.” The aforementioned clips didn’t make the final cut on either.

“Any serious documentary filmmaker or broadcaster would agree.” “The documentary runs the risk of being perceived as Democrat Party propaganda if editorial choices are made to protect Nancy Pelosi,” Dylyn adds.

But the cable TV network has still not given an answer about why those clips never made the final cut.

Pelosi is seen saying in one of the videos, amid the Jan. 6, 2021, riot.

Neff suggests HBO could still bring the newly released footage to life, if necessary. 


Despite the USSS, Donald Trump Has Survived Two Assassination Attempts

Clearly, the DOJ, FBI, DHS, CIA, and the United States Secret Service (USSS) failed in their mission of protecting presidential candidates. Donald Trump is not just a former president but is running for a second term. Trump is likely to be the 47th president. With the current geo-political atmosphere, Trump poses an existential threat to our enemies, both foreign and domestic. These enemies, whom I call the Cabal and the Deep State (the unelected administrative state), have compromised or corrupted our government.

Because of these threats, the government must afford Trump the best protection possible

Because the government has an incentive to hide its failures, when it comes to the attempt to assassinate Trump, especially given the US Secret Service's known failures, there must be an independent investigation... ...the attempt to assassinate former President Trump was a horrific, epic failure, to say the least, with preplanning, communication failures, resource skimping , and more... These agencies cannot do this investigation as they are compromised or corrupted.

In the second assassination attempt at Trump's International Golf Course in West Palm Beach on September 15, Divine intervention or, if you prefer, luck once again saved Trump from death.

Trump's second brush with death saw the same common denominators as the first: preplanning failures, communication failures, and resource skimping.

We, the People, can change the coach and the team through the ballot box lest we are precluded by Trump being assassinated.

We need to protect Donald J. Trump as a matter of national security and our republic's survival.

The risk of another assassination attempt on Trump is extreme and imminent. 


Bill Gates uses vaccines and genetically modified crops to impoverish and reduce the world’s population

Bill Gates, through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has funded various scientific research programs and vaccination initiatives, such as “Grand Challenges Explorations.” It’s not only his investment in vaccines globally that is the problem.

Gates’ advocacy for vaccines is intertwined with population control, with many concluding his true interest is in reduced fertility or even the elimination of a significant portion of the world’s population.

His Foundation has invested in genetically modified crops research, claiming to help African farmers grow their own food but it has led to dependence on large corporations for seeds, pesticides and equipment.

Bill Gates says vaccines can help reduce world population, Natural News, 1 October 2010 • (5) [Link provided by Truth Wiki is now private view only.

In addition to vaccines, he has also supported genetically modified organisms in food, which have been linked to health and environmental issues such as the development of super-bugs and super-weeds.

Below is Truth Wiki’s page on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

To date, only four African nations have released GM crops, but the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has its goals and aspirations. 


Big Pharma paid off public health official to push useless TPOXX drug for monkeypox that DOESN’T WORK

Big Pharma paid off public health official to push useless TPOXX drug for monkeypox that DOESN’T WORK The latest news to drop from Steven Crowder, who broke the story via his "Mug Club," is that Dr. Varma took cash payments from a drug company called SigaTech in exchange for pushing that company's monkeypox drug "TPOXX" that does not even work.

"We also need to keep up the people's belief that the [TPOXX] drug works.

Even though monkeypox, also known as mpox, is a gay disease that spreads through perversion, Dr. Varma's job was to help scare the general public into begging for TPOXX.

"We want the Food and Drug Administration, the FDA, to approve our drug specifically for Monkeypox and right now it's only considered experimental and they won't approve it based on this study," Dr. Varma says in the video.

Much like Covid, Dr. Jay Varma and others like him are a plague on this country – the question is: is there a cure?

NYC’s Covid Orgy Kingpin Reveals He Was Hired by Pharmaceutical Company @SigaTech to Help Sell Monkeypox Drug ‘TPOXX’; Details Media “Spin” Scheme To Ensure Investors Don’t “Dump” Company’s “Worthless” Stock; Says Disease Primarily Impacting Gay Community is Not a… pic.twitter.com/TJpzVHAlRn (Related: After telling New Yorkers to avoid human contact for their own "safety," Dr. Varma participated in a drug-fueled orgy – because politicians are above the law.)

In the video below, watch as Dr. Varma explains how the corporate media had a role to play in creating the "spin" surrounding TPOXX that SigaTech hoped would stop investors from "dumping" the company's "worthless" stock. 


The Radical Mainstream

Essentially, Routh tried to kill Trump because he was extremely committed to mainstream media talking points.

In his handwritten manifesto, he stated how Trump was "Unfit" and did not "Embody the moral fabric that is America." These ideas were entirely indistinguishable from what one hears nightly on CNN or from the Harris Campaign.

For their votaries, Trump is not simply going to do a bad job or enact bad policies but represents a sui generis threat that lacks all legitimacy.

Let's not forget, the Democrats gave us the 2020 inaugural Green Zone and Biden's 2022 Philadelphia speech condemning the "MAGA Republicans." Trump is admittedly blunt, but for all his supposed lack of couth, the actual consensus beliefs of both major parties-forever wars, open borders, a surveillance state, and enormous deficits in perpetuity-are more objectively extreme than any of Trump's proposed policies.

Returning to the guys trying to kill Donald Trump, truly "Lone gunmen" don't get far.

High-up officials-including congressman Jamie Raskin-have floated truly insane ideas, like plans to preemptively reject a Trump victory and to employ the military to protect such Machiavellian congressional action.

Calling Trump a "Threat to democracy" repeatedly has itself threatened democracy by undermining his legitimacy during his first term and prospectively undermining his legitimacy if he should prevail in 2024. 


State Department Aiding Illegals

Rep. Darrell Issa, California Republican and member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, charges that the State Department is encouraging foreign nationals to avoid seeking asylum in Mexico and instead enter the United States at “federal taxpayers’ expense.” The State Department operates the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), which funds legal representation and counseling related to immigration proceedings.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is primarily responsible for the invasion of some 10 million illegals, approximately the population of Portugal, with no criminal background checks.

Julia Valls Noyes, assistant secretary for the PRM, told Issa that the US government was not funding the non-profits and aiding in immigration activities.

After the Munich massacre Yasser al-Najjar was a fugitive.

“Your department is responsible for giving us knowingly false information,” Issa told Valls Noyes, pointing out that money is “fungible.” She acknowledged that some presentations would have been illegal but denied that they were funded by PRM.

Issa wasn’t going for it.

The people have a right to wonder if the Navy interviewed father Yasser al-Najjar and former students from the Islamic school with the 9/11 alumna. 


Nantucket ICE Arrests Show Why ‘Got-Away’ Migrants Keep Border Patrol Chief Up at Night

Each crossed illegally without being apprehended — and those arrests explain why the Border Patrol chief told CBS News in March that such “got-aways” are “keeping [him] up at night”.

Often, that definition is used informally to denote what are called “known got-aways”, aliens spotted coming in illegally whom Border Patrol agents are unable to apprehend.

On September 12, ICE Enforcement and Operations (ERO) officers in the tony vacation getaway of Nantucket, Mass., arrested a 30-year-old MS-13 member who entered the United States illegally, just one of several illegal entrant criminals the agency has nabbed there in recent weeks.

While the descriptor “got-away” may sound like slang, it’s actually a term of art, defined in federal statute as “an unlawful border crosser who- (A) is directly or indirectly observed making an unlawful entry into the United States; (B) is not apprehended; and (C) is not a turn back”.


Angel Gabriel Deras-Mejia.

In any event, the chief is dispositively correct: Many got-aways do represent a threat to our communities, as the recent wave of ICE arrests of criminal aliens in Nantucket demonstrates. 


Democrats File Lawsuit to Stop Georgia From Hand-Counting Ballots.

Democrats have filed a lawsuit against the Georgia State Election Board, challenging a new rule that mandates hand-counting ballots.

The Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Party of Georgia, with support from Vice President Kamala Harris's campaign, initiated the suit.

They claim that this rule, intended to reduce election fraud, will create confusion, delay results in larger counties, and threaten ballot security.

The Democrats insist the Georgia State Election Board exceeded its authority by establishing the Hand Count Rule.

Passed earlier this month, the rule requires county election officials to count ballots by hand after polls close to verify machine count totals are accurate, though not to examine individual votes.

 A 3-2 conservative majority on the board, formed this summer, has introduced several rules and measures to strengthen election integrity.

Former President Donald J. Trump has expressed support for the board's majority. 


American Liberty In The Balance

John Kerry, maybe the most pompous politician of our lifetimes, admits that the First Amendment is an obstacle to the Democrats’ hard-left agenda.

It’s a deeply disturbing statement perfectly in line with the party’s irrepressible authoritarian urges.

Liberty is on the ballot this fall, just as it is every time a Democrat runs for office anywhere in this country.

Either way, the Democratic Party is serious about quashing speech that inconveniences its campaign to establish a political power base that cannot be challenged.

The political left began to abandon free speech through political correctness, then slowly, as if it had been part of a grand long-term plan, move on to government suppression of speech.

At last week’s Sustainable Development Impact Meetings of the World Economic Forum, Kerry, a long-time U.S. senator from Massachusetts, secretary of state for four years of the eight-year Obama nightmare, Joe Biden’s climate czar and a failed presidential candidate, acknowledged that his party wants to censor speech that it doesn’t approve of.

But the rest of us should understand that he’s saying that Democrats can take power the easy way or the hard way – so just turn it over to us in November and we won’t have to be more coercive than we already are. 


Politics Biden says he won’t intervene if port workers go on strike

U.S. President Joe Biden said on Sunday he did not intend to intervene to prevent a port strike on the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico if dock workers failed to secure a new contract by an Oct. 1 deadline.

“It’s collective bargaining. I don’t believe in Taft-Hartley,” he told reporters.

Presidents can intervene in labor disputes that threaten national security or safety by imposing an 80-day cooling-off period under the federal Taft-Hartley Act. 


Voter Registration Citizenship Check Failure in Arizona Affected 218,000 Voters NOT The Previously Claimed 98,000

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that a supposed error in the Arizona Motor Vehicle Department’s (MVD) system caused nearly 100,000 voter registrations to be validated without properly verifying the registrants’ citizenship.

The Arizona Secretary of State’s Office announced Monday night that approximately 120,000 more voter registrations were discovered to have not been checked for citizenship, more than double the previous estimate.

Arizona is facing a significant voter registration crisis as Secretary of State Adrian Fontes revealed today that over 218,000 voters were improperly recorded as having provided proof of citizenship, a requirement for voting in state and local elections.

According to officials, this issue has existed for 20 years, allowing individuals who received a driver’s license before 1996 to vote without citizenship verification.

He then dropped a bombshell revealing that nearly 218,000 voters were registered in Arizona without proper citizenship verification!

The voters of Arizona have a total loss of confidence in Secretary Fontes.

"The public, impacted stakeholders, and the Arizona Supreme Court were misled as to the extent of the issue and its effect on Arizona’s voter registration records," the Arizona GOP said in a statement. 


Port Workers Prepare to Strike as Deadline Looms Closer

Thousands of workers at more than a dozen ports throughout the United States are preparing to go on strike as the deadline for their union and the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) to reach an agreement looms closer.

A report from the Conference Board found that if the workers do go on strike, it could “cause serious economic fallout.” “Just a one-week strike could cost the US economy $3.78 billion (i.e., $540 million per day),” the Conference Board wrote in the report.

The report also noted that if the port workers go on strike, it would “come at a critical time” ahead of the November presidential election and “as retailers scramble to finish importing inventory to ensure customers are well supplied ahead of the busy holiday shopping season.” While President Joe Biden indicated that he would not intervene in the strike, under the Taft-Hartley Act, Biden would be allowed to get involved and “request an 80-day court-ordered cooling-off period,” according to the Hill.

Roughly “25,000 port workers employed in contain and roll-on/roll-off operations at ports on the U.S. East and Gulf Coasts” are currently covered under the current agreement, according to the USMX.

One person told the outlet that the possible strike had them “worried,” adding that it was “hard to be able to make ends meet as it is.” Update 12:13 am ET: The NY Times reports, “Both sides have moved off their previous positions,” the Maritime Alliance said in a news release.

Dockworkers with the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA), who work at roughy 14 ports along the East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico are set to go on strike as of October 1 if their union and the USMX do not reach an agreement regarding their labor contract, according to the Hill.

The ILA is described as being the “largest union of maritime workers in North America,” and represents roughly 85,000 longshoremen located along “the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, Great Lakes, major U.S. rivers, Puerto Rico and Eastern Canada,” according to the union’s website. 


BIDEN MAKING HISTORY: First to Oversee $1 Trillion in Improper Payments in a Single Term

No sitting president has ever admitted to $1 TRILLION in improper payments during a single four-year term, but President Biden is on pace to do just that before he leaves office.

Biden-Harris Admin on Track to Oversee $1 Trillion in Improper Payments, Watchdog Group Finds | Robert Schmad | Daily Caller | www.dailycaller.com Biden Administration on Track for $1 Trillion in Improper Payments | Stephen Dinan | Washington Times | www.washingtontimes.com

Federal agencies threw out over $764 billion on improper payments in fiscal years 2021-2023, or $801.4 billion after adjusting for inflation.

It would be a nearly $200 billion increase in improper payments from President Trump’s administration, adjusted for inflation.

Barring something unprecedented, the total will cross the trillion-dollar mark by the time President Biden’s term ends.

The Biden-Harris administration is fond of marking historic firsts, but this will be a rather ignominious one.

Two decades later, here we are about to cross another terrible benchmark: a trillion dollars worth of taxpayers’ money spent improperly in just a single, 4-year presidential term.
