Sunday, August 27, 2023

Destructive China-5G-Wuhan-NWO-Cellphone- Deep State US Election Cheating Connections Revealed

 Over 230 foreign Fortune 500 companies have offices in Wuhan and do business there? At least 80 foreign countries fund companies in the city?

The murder of the boyfriend of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp's daughter?

Attorney Sidney Powell came out to reveal that Harrison Deal's death was a murder in an attempt to put Kemp into submission.

That not long after the stolen 2020 Election, Powell revealed that two men, Lord Malloch-Brown and Sir Nigel Knowles were the primary leaders of SGO Smartmatic?

Recall SGO Smartmatic controls all election systems, including Dominion, worldwide - the various company names are basically an intended shell game? The bottom line: they all have common Optech software?

SGO Smartmatic was/is part of the Paragon company? This can change at any moment because of their shell game tactics.

The attorneys for some of Paragon's primary companies are from-what many investigators argue is the most corrupt British based law firm on earth-DLA Piper?

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