Saturday, February 25, 2023

Video: Cast Vote Records & Election Lawsuits With Dr. Walter Daugherity

 Dr. Walter Daugherity is a key expert in the South Carolina election lawsuit and other election cases around the nation. In this interview, Dr. Daugherity discusses what a Cast Vote Record (CVR) is, its importance for audibility and security, the similarities between South Carolina and other states, and so much more! See below for Dr. Walter Daugherity’s expert affidavit.

To watch the interview, Click Here:

To read the Summons, Complaint, and Granted Temporary Restraining Order, click here.

To read expert affidavits and the interview with the SC Safe Elections leader Laura Scharr, click here.

Read this article to see how the Arizona Senate Elections Committee passed a resolution on February 14th to ban foreign voting machines and require source code, ballot images, chain of custody documents, and log files to be made public.

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