Sunday, November 28, 2021

Botswanan Covid Task Force: New Variant Only Found in Vaccinated Individuals

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On November 25, the Botswanan COVID-19 Task Force reported four new cases of the COVID variant B.1.1.529. All four cases were detected in travelers through routine PCR testing. They noted something interesting about all four cases:

“The preliminary report revealed that all four had been fully vaccinated for COVID-19.”

Yes, all four individuals with detectable cases of B.1.1.529 were fully vaccinated. There have been numerous breakthrough cases of COVID-19 and the Delta variant among the vaccinated. Now, it appears that those who have taken the vaccine may be more susceptible to transmission as this new variant is associated with increased antibody resistance. The report states that they are uncertain if the currently available vaccinations will prevent transmission and suggests “non-pharmaceutical interventions,” such as masks, social distancing, and avoiding unnecessary travel. Governments now have a new reason to reimplement harsh restrictions. The upcoming days and weeks should shine a light on what they plan to do to “stop the spread” since the vaccine is not as “safe and effective” as previously claimed. 

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