Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Alex Marlow Yearlong Investigation Unmasks New Soros-Like Puppet Master, Unearths Media Deals with Chinese Communists

Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow previewed some revelations in his forthcoming book, Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media's Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption.

Marlow said, "What I've been able to uncover through these interviews, through these documents, [and] through a year of investigative research [are] some chilling things about the way we've structured our media environment. I was routinely shocked throughout the process. Things are way worse than we even talked about on in terms of our media's corruption, the depth of it, and how much money is getting bagged by these corporations instead of giving you the news that you should get."

"There is an individual in this country [whose] tentacles are in so many places in the establishment media that this individual has their arms in Democrat establishment politics, in the most hardcore activism imaginable, and funds establishment media outlets and they all work synergistically."

American news media outlets are more beholden to the Chinese Communist Party than is commonly understood, Marlow warned.

"You're going to see the extent to which American media is in bed with the Chinese government, to a point where you'll actually be mortified for this country," Marlow remarked.

Increasingly diversified revenue streams for corporate conglomerate owners of news media companies present unavoidable conflicts of interest in reporting, Marlow explained.

Marlow went on, "There's almost not a single story now that an establishment media conglomerate can cover with a fully clean conscience. Almost every single story now will hit [or] bump into another element of their business. and we're supposed to expect them to treat every subject the same, even if a devastating report on that subject would hurt the business of their corporation?".


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