Monday, December 21, 2020

The Stupid Establishment’s Lies Will Be Its Undoing

Other people could use a vaccine, and yet tens of millions of them won't believe the vaccines are safe and/or effective entirely because the Establishment is stupid.

All the smart set decided that the Official Truth would be that these vaccines were all perfect and necessary and that we needed to stamp out any hint of dissent lest people pause and think for themselves and thereby disrupt the plan by raising unapproved notions.

No one's spontaneously combusted like a Spinal Tap percussionist, but every medicine and every vaccine generates some negative reactions in some people.

Speak the truth - yeah, it's a good vaccine but some people will have issues - and let the debate commence.

People hiding stuff do not get the presumption of good faith.

Our elite is going to then contend that these people are somehow dumb for not trusting the elite when the elite itself ensured people were not going to trust it.

Join Townhall VIP. With Christmas, Hannukah, and Kwanzaa coming up, you need to consider getting the woke conservative or the unwoke liberal in your life my new conservative action thriller "Crisis." Also, check out the other four novels in the bestselling series, "People's Republic," "Indian Country," "Wildfire," and "Collapse." 

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