Saturday, February 18, 2017

Donald Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office

Despite all the hysteria you’re seeing from the Left, the mainstream media and from some Republicans who still at this late date can’t get over the fact that he won the primaries, Trump has actually had a dynamite first month in office. Trump may not fare so well if you judge him on his tweeting habits or his willingness to play nice with the media, but the agenda he’s pursued has been a conservative dream.
While I’m sure you’ve heard plenty of stories based on anonymous leaks and wild speculation, how many people have taken stock of what Trump’s actually been doing? Not what he’s tweeting, not what he might do some day, but what he’s actually done. There may be a lot more that needs doing, but if you’re a conservative, the proper reaction to his agenda is “so far, so good.”
10) Freezing all Federal Hiring Outside of the Military: Trump followed in Ronald Reagan’s footsteps by putting a federal hiring freeze in place almost immediately after he became president. That’s big, because the first step to shrinking government is to stop adding more people to it.
9) Pulling Support for the Obama Drive to Force Women to Allow Men in Their Bathrooms: This was a bit surprising, because Trump has generally been supportive of allowing transgender women to use women’s bathrooms, but he also said he believes the issue should be left to the states. Towards that end, he ordered the DOJ to “withdraw a motion filed by former President Barack Obama seeking to allow transgender students in public schools to use the restroom with which they identify.” That will probably lead to the issue being left to the states, which is how it should be. 

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