Saturday, December 17, 2016

Michelle Obama not proud of America Again

Michelle Obama once told us that she had never been proud of her country until her husband was nominated  for the presidency.  She just told Oprah Winfrey we Americans are entering a time of hopelessness – "we are feeling what not having hope feels like."  The end of hope is a severe condemnation.  No pride is to be bestowed on people without hope.
But it is what Mrs. Obama believes.  She was not proud of America until she was 44 years old, when she said of her husband's 2008 Democrat presidential nomination, "For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country, because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback."  Today, she apparently feels that 62 million Americans who voted for Trump.
What makes Mrs. Obama's declaration so odd is that whether or not Donald Trump can deliver on his wildly ambitious aims, more than anything, his message to a discouraged nation is one of hope.  To the 90 million able-bodied Americans who have given up looking for living wage jobs due to Obama's economic policies, Trump says, have hope!  To a decimated and demoralized military, Trump says, we're going to fix it, buh-lieve me.  To a nation suffering under the Obama administration's hypocritical machinations to admit hundreds of thousands of illegals through broken borders, Trump offers hope for the restoration of a nation of laws.

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