Monday, October 24, 2016

Regarding Our Nation's Elitists

This contains a three part series by the esteemed Thomas Sowell that addresses the truth about the left and the masses. People who consider themselves leftist and are proud to do so need to seriously consider the contents of these three items. The series starts with this quote: "The greatest moral claim of the political left is that they are for the masses in general and the poor in particular. That is also their greatest fraud. It even fools many leftists themselves."  and ends with this quote: "The political left in general has been able to claim that they have more compassion for the less fortunate, and to depict their opponents as lacking in compassion for others. For none of these assertions have they felt a need to offer hard evidence. Such evidence as exists contradicts those assertions. An empirical study titled "Who Really Cares" by Arthur C. Brooks found that conservatives donate a higher percentage of their incomes to philanthropic causes, as well as more hours of their time as volunteers, and they donate far more blood. Another study showed that President Ronald Reagan donated a higher percentage of his income to philanthropic causes than such liberal icons as President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Senator Ted Kennedy. What may be more remarkable than these findings is that the left was able to get away with asserting the opposite for years, without evidence being asked for or given. What is also remarkable is the extent to which the left's preservation of their own self-flattering vision is defended at virtually all costs -- with both facts and thoughts to the contrary being dismissed, rather than answered, using such words and phrases as "stereotypes," "blaming the victim" or "racism." People with a different vision of the world are not answered but characterized -- as people needing to have their consciousness raised or as people who "just don't get it." The near-monopoly of the left in academia allows such evasions to pass muster. But it cheats students out of practice in confronting opposing views on innumerable subjects, which they will have to do after they leave the insulated confines of academia.   And,   And,   The following paragraphs expand discussion of the nefarious behavior of our nation's socialistic elitists and their goals, including Hillary.

Apparently more and more people are exhibiting their low regard for leftist political elites trying to take control of everything and impose their will on the rest of us.  This writer does a good job of discussing the matter.  Quote: "The “Democrat-Republican Elite Establishment Globalists” (the DREEGs) have been collectivizing America for the past 100 years. From Woodrow Wilson and FDR, to LBJ and Richard Nixon, to Clinton, Bush and Obama, the Dreegs have been insidiously usurping our basic rights in pursuit of ever-expanding mega-statism and personal power for themselves and their avaricious cronies who flock to Washington to serve them. The ideology of “globalism,” intellectually intertwined with Marxism / Keynesianism, is what motivates them. Hubris is what consumes them. Evil is what defines them. They pay tribute to capitalism and the Constitution in their public speeches and campaigns for office; but it is a deceitful reverence. They abandoned capitalism and the Constitution long ago in the formative years of their youth forged by the collectivist dominated education they received in college and graduate school."  And, "This is the hideous ideological falsity of the Dreegs. They believe government controls and planning are superior to freedom and entrepreneurial creativity. The fact that their political vision eventually drives a country into the decadent destruction now prevailing in Venezuela does not dent their poisoned minds. Venezuela “has the world’s fastest contracting economy, the second highest murder rate, inflation heading towards 1,000% and shortages of food and medicine that have pushed the poorest members of its 30 million population to the edge of a humanitarian abyss.” [See Venezuela On the Brink] This is what the Lizard People are bringing us."  And, "The Dreegs must be defeated, or we will have no country to pass on to our children. The first step in this battle will be on November 8th. Whatever you may think of Donald Trump, he remains the only voice of reason and sanity out there despite his bombast and egotistical personality. He is not polished, he is not perfect, but he is possessed of patriotism and love of country, both vital attributes that are sorely lacking in his Democratic opponent. Is there still time to overcome the outrageous smears from the establishment media? There is always time for truth, but if it is to manifest this election year, it will need the effort of millions of American citizens to turn out to vote against the Lizard People and their Queen, Hillary Clinton."   He names names of those he claims are guilty of elitist actions against the interests of average Americans and our constitutional republic.   I have been saying things like this for months.  The difference is he is much more eloquent than me.

This item is an obvious follow-on to the previous item. Although this item does not directly address the third presidential debate, much was subtlety said by elitist Hillary during that debate which establishes her credentials as a globalist.  She artfully dodged questions designed to draw out her vision of America's future.  Her subtle message, clear to me, was that she has no intention to maintain the sovereignty of the United States.  Her appeal to emotion, not logic, and repeated attacks against Trump were designed and well executed to hide the fact that she is all in for globalism.  Quote: "All the politically correct humanitarian lingo in the universe is not going to change these basic realities. Globalism—the export of jobs, the rapid expansion of the Welfare State, the launching of senseless wars to pave the way for corporate plunder, the immigrant-flood through open borders—is a nation killer. It’s built to be a killer.  Decimating nations is an intentional precursor to ruling the planet from above by the Globalists-in-charge. “What we destroy we will resurrect on our own terms.”  No nation on Earth has a pure and clean history. But no nation deserves to be leveled and destroyed. The founding ideas of the original American Republic were and are the best ideas about government ever forwarded in human history. They imply:  Severely limited federal power. Free individuals. Independent individuals. Individuals who choose their own dreams and destinies. Individuals who work to achieve those dreams."  And, "America is America. For the most part, its people are decent. Their leaders have betrayed them time and time again, without a second thought, without a shred of remorse.  The so-called populist movement which is growing by leaps and bounds, which got its legs under it with Ron Paul, must not come to a halt, no matter who becomes the next President, no matter what that President does.  The future is now."  Hillary's dream is to create docile, government dependents, not American citizens, who are educated by the governent in a way that removes independent thought and initiative.  In other words, she seeks good little global citizens doing and being what they are told to do and be by elitists.  Why else does she want free government run propaganda institutions k-through college?    Doesn't anyone remember the history of Russia and China?  I urge readers to consider this.  Throughout this campaign, to my knowledge, she has never expressed her fidelity to the Constitution of the United States.

From WikiLeaks.  This is a short description of why Obama and Hillary are guilty of obstruction of justice or worse, treason, for their coordinated cause of the Benghazi disaster.  Quote: "Hillary Clinton Illegal Gun Running Scheme in Libya and Syria?
If this is true, then Obama and Hillary Clinton committed serious crimes, including treason.  According to investigative journalists and official sources, Ambassador Christopher Stevens was sent to Benghazi, post haste, in order to retrieve US made Stinger missiles supplied to Ansar al Sharia without Congressional oversight or permission.  Hillary Clinton brokered the deal through Stevens and a private arms dealer named Marc Turi.  Benghazi was a “Do-or-Die” Covert Mission: Hillary Clinton let them die to cover her ass…This was a “do-or-die” mission, which explains the stand down orders given to multiple commando teams. It was the State Department, not the CIA that supplied them to our sworn enemies, because Petraeus (Director of CIA at the time) wouldn’t supply these deadly weapons due to their potential use on commercial aircraft."

This is an unbelievably stupid move made by Michelle Obama.  In a recent speech she made this comment about the Donald Trump tape.  Quote:  "I can't stop thinking about this. It has shaken me to my core in a way I could not have predicted."  That is an incredible statement to make coming from someone who abides worse language than that as a matter of routine.  Another quote: "Donald Trump's statements, which were probably empty boasts in contrast to Bill Clinton's well-known behavior, were indeed lewd and unacceptable. While two wrongs do not make a right, Michelle and Barack Obama have openly promoted rap artists who glorify misogyny, sexual objectification of women, and even date rape. That's right; I am indeed calling out our country's sorry excuse for a First Lady for her and her husband's deplorable legitimization of the most despicable misogynistic language on earth."  This piece lays out the litany of foul, offensive, misogynistic, date rape language used by at least five rappers Obama invited to the White House in April of this year to entertain him, Michelle and their liberal friends.  Maybe Michelle wore ear plugs during their performances.  The point is that she is a fraud and liar using the language she did regarding Trump. It was political fraud fully intended show support for Hillary who has her own troubles covering up her husband's serial sexual misbehavior and seeking the destruction of the lives and reputations of Bill's many victims.  Michelle and so many of the left including her husband are disgusting for their duplicitous behavior.  I am really, really tired of the faux self righteousness, duplicity and the absolute and total hypocrisy of the political left. 

For this revelation we owe our thanks to the leftist/socialists/liberal/progressive academic elites running our public schools and colleges and universities.  Of course our leftist/Democrat elite politicians and mainstream media types deserve an honorable mention.  Millennials are okay with socialism. Socialist elitists efforts to dumb down Americans is working quite well.  Quote: "A report released Monday reveals a growing acceptance of socialist and Marxist viewpoints among younger Americans born after the Cold War.  Nearly half—45 percent—of those aged between 16 and 20 years old said they would vote for a socialist, while one in five responded they would vote for a communist, the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation found."  And, regarding the dark history of socialism and communism they know little, "This sentiment is particularly notable in the lack of knowledge among young Americans of communist leaders. One in four Americans believe more people were killed under former President George W. Bush than under former Soviet Union dictator Joseph Stalin, whose regime slaughtered some 20 million people between 1924 and 1953. One third of millennials believe the same, though only 18 percent said they were familiar with the dictator, according to the report."     Little do the millennial victims of leftist propaganda know what lies they have been taught to believe are true.  Unfortunately, they will learn the hard way what the real truth is. 

Shocking for Hillary, The New Black Panthers support Trump.  This leader of the hard left leaning New Black Panthers lambastes Obama, Hillary and their Democrat/liberal minions for their unethical and destructive treatment of blacks over the past 50 years.  Quote: "The Black Panthers are one of the most staunchly anti-conservative groups in America, and they have been for decades. When their leaders take the time to attack Hillary Clinton and the first black president Barak Obama and support Republican candidate Donald Trump, the statement is powerful. For more than 50 years Democrats have taken black votes for granted on empty promises. They have tricked the communities into ever increasing dependence on social programs that are designed to keep minorities down. The issues facing black Americans are severe and unjust, and yet, President Obama has primarily ignored any viable solutions. He has baited racial tensions to distract the public from scrutinizing his inaction."    Past items shared have repeatedly made this point.  Maybe now you will believe me.  The evidence is too voluminous to ignore.  And the lies Obama, Hillary and other Democrats knowingly propound that only Democrats care about the blacks can no longer be ignored and accepted as fact.  Thankfully, more and more blacks are waking up to the fact that Democrats have used and consequently abused them for years.

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