Lies like this really bother me
and should bother you, too. But, Obama continues to roll them out with a
straight face. Having a president willing to purposefully mislead the
public to make himself look good is nothing less than a fraud. And that
his most definitely is. Anyone paying any attention knows he has told
us little of anything truthful since he took office. Telling lies is
what he does best. He actually made this statement on the
Ellen Show. Quote: "Since I came into office, we reduced the deficit by
two-thirds, but if you ask the average person, they're sure that
spending has shot up. And the reason is because there are a bunch of
folks who say that we're wildly overspending, even though we aren't."
What are the facts? The linked article provides some such as
these: "...
in FY 2007, the last year President Bush and Republicans had 100%
control of Congress, federal spending including both wars was $2.7
trillion. The budget President Obama just submitted is $4.1 trillion.
That is up over 50% despite record-low interest rates and his
continually bragging that he has ended the wars. Median family income
around the country is actually down or flat, so I do not understand how
the president could pretend that they aren't overspending and taxing. The
deficit was down to $161 billion in FY 2007, including the spending on
the wars and because of President Bush's across-the-board tax cuts in
the summer of 2003. In FY 2003, federal income tax receipts had
decreased to around $900 billion prior to the tax cuts, due to a
recession and a collapsed stock market. By FY 2007, due to the stimulus
of the tax cuts, the economy rebounded, economic growth was
substantial, unemployment was way down (not because of a lower labor
participation rate), and income tax receipts had climbed to over $1.5
trillion. The tax rate cuts did not cause receipts to go down, as
Democrats and CBO had projected; they actually skyrocketed by over 60%.
The tax cuts obviously did not cause the deficit. The
projected deficit for FY 2016 is projected to be over $500 billion.
Think how high it would be if the Federal Reserve weren't keeping the
interest rates artificially low." Click here some actual numbers for more. If you still are not convinced check out this link.
Obama has overseen a doubling of the national debt since he took
office. That is more than all prior presidents in US history
combined and he still has the egotistical audacity to lie to us with a
straight face saying, "...there are a bunch of folks who say that we're
wildly overspending, even though we aren't". Not only is that a bold
faced lie, he is a national disgrace.
When it comes to Hillary you are
obligated to suspend disbelief. This piece does a really good job
of revealing how unbelievably hypocritical and dishonest she is. It
does so by using her own words. Quote: "In a September 2007
congressional inquiry about the ongoing surge in Iraq, then Senator
Hillary Clinton all but called Gen. David Petraeus a liar. After
Petraeus gave a cautiously optimistic—and prescient—appraisal of the
growing quiet in Iraq, Clinton curtly dismissed him with the literary
term “suspension of disbelief,” which describes the creation of a
fantasy world. Clinton sarcastically rebutted Petraeus’s quite accurate
data with the curt dismissal, “I think that the reports that you provide
to us really require the willing suspension of disbelief.” But
Iraq was no make-believe place. Petraeus went on to quiet Iraq and it
stayed that way until President Obama, with eyes on the 2012 election,
yanked all peacekeepers out in December 2011—with the full support of
Hillary Clinton. In ironic fashion, Hillary’s own vocabulary best
describes her conduct. A “willing suspension of disbelief” most aptly
sums up Hillary Clinton’s disastrous 2016 primary campaign, which so far
seems more disastrous than her 2008 disastrous campaign."
This former Obama Intelligence
Chief says Hillary should drop out of the race for the Presidency. Her
behavior/actions disqualify her. Quote: "”I think Hillary Clinton, for
the good of the country, should step down and let this FBI investigation
play out,” Flynn said. Flynn,
who headed the DIA from July 2012 to August 2014, said what worried him
most were documents transferred from the Special Access Program to
Hillary’s home server. The SAP designation contains some of the nation’s
most highly secret documents." And, "Flynn said those documents “had
to be moved off electronically or removed out of the secure site
physically, then it had to be put onto an unclassified email system.
“Someone who does this is completely irresponsible, but totally
unaccountable and shows a streak of arrogance to the American public
that is unworthy of anyone thinking they can run for president of the
United States.”
Read the really bad news for Hillary in this recently released the Intelligence Inspector General's letter to Congress. Hillary's
desperate attempt to change the focus from her to an interagency
dispute is laughable on its face. And her charges that the Obama
appointed Inspector General is nothing but a Republican stooge is but
another desperate attempt to defame those who do not worship the ground
she walks on. Those who love the Clinton's must hate all the unethical,
even evidence of illegal activities that just keeps on coming
and proves what despicable people they both really are.
There is no doubt that the Clinton's, especially Hillary, have violated
federal laws. If our country still believes in the rule of law she
will soon be indicted, but an overtly partisan president and attorney
general make for a possible pass at justice. People have gone to jail
for much less than what she has done.
This is the way democracy works
in the Democrat party. This item offers proof that it's political
processes are not democratic when time comes to select its
party's presidential candidates. They have a mechanism in place that
assures "their" chosen candidate wins regardless of Democrat party
members primary/caucus votes cast. That is also the way they will run
the country. Obama is Exhibit A. Hillary is Exhibit B.
items shared with you over time deal with revisionist history or news
reporting that seeks to purposely misinform in order to influence people
to believe that something is true but in reality it is not true. This
item goes along with that thought process. Here is a taste of what is
included. "The sheer number of poorly faked news stories gives rise to
the legitimate question, how many fake stories were done well? Why would
any news organization feel that it is necessary to use false coverage
to report actual news? It makes no sense to falsify something in order
to tell the truth, so something else must be in play. The participants
and producers are clearly aware of what they are doing when they use
props or green screens, and since they are doing it without informing
the viewing public it wouldn’t be unfair to call it a conspiracy. The
more often these events are uncovered the less trust anyone feels in the
institutions and representatives that commit these frauds on an
unsuspecting population. Whether it is for altruistic or evil ends is
irrelevant, the duplicity is it’s own crime and since it is done in
secret, involving multiple parties we are left with little room to
consider it as anything other than a conspiracy. That isn’t a theory,
it’s a fact."
An excellent must read. Quote: "How else can one describe a group [the progressive/Democratic left] who could read a report
that shows that 450 out of 452 (or 99.6% of) suicide terror attacks in
2015 were perpetrated by Muslims and carried out in the name of Allah,
only to insist that Muslims are not uniquely linked to global
terrorism?" This item was lifted from the prior link. Read the title
and tell me with a straight face that the political left embraces logic,
and more importantly the truth.
For those who don't know Charles
Murray he was the prime mover behind the changes to welfare programs
during Clinton's presidency and Republican control of Congress
which significantly reduced the size and costs of entitlement programs.
But no longer. Obama has caused welfare programs to balloon. Quote:
"As recently as 1960, the creed was our national consensus. Running that
year for the Democratic nomination, candidates like John F. Kennedy,
Lyndon B. Johnson and Hubert Humphrey genuinely embraced the creed,
differing from Republicans only in how its elements should be realized.
Today, the creed has lost its authority and its substance. What
happened? Many of the dynamics of the reversal can be found in
developments across the whole of American society: in the emergence of a
new upper class and a new lower class, and in the plight of the working
class caught in between. In my 2012 book “Coming Apart,” I discussed these new classes
at length. The new upper class consists of the people who shape the
country’s economy, politics and culture. The new lower class consists of
people who have dropped out of some of the most basic institutions of
American civic culture, especially work and marriage. Both of these new
classes have repudiated the American creed in practice, whatever lip
service they may still pay to it. Trumpism is the voice of a beleaguered
working class telling us that it too is falling away. Historically,
one of the most widely acknowledged aspects of American exceptionalism
was our lack of class consciousness. Even Marx and Engels recognized it.
This was egalitarianism American style. Yes, America had rich people
and poor people, but that didn’t mean that the rich were better than
anyone else."
Here is the real story behind
the shenanigans being perpetrated by the federal government against
ranchers in Western states. You will be appalled at the brutal and
illegal behavior of federal agents against private citizens. Quote: "Writing
in “Up Front,” editor C.J. Hadley reveals: “The agencies have blocked
the family’s stock waters and access roads to their high country grazing
land, canceled their legal grazing permits, and seem determined to
destroy ranch and family so that they can add that private land to the
187,000-acre Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Besides being locked up
[in federal prison] in California, the Hammonds had to pay $400,000 by
Dec. 31, 2015, for destroying federal land and were forced to give first
option on their ranch to the BLM—the agency working to destroy them.”
Just so you know the head of the BLM is a long time Senator Harry Reid
minion and is no doubt doing Reid's bid to destroy these families.
George Burns
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