Quote: "Allow me to start you
off with 6 minutes of righteous ranting against “Generation Snowflake:”
today’s University students who hide out in safe spaces, melt down in
the face of dissenting opinions, and basically are incapable of
functioning as adults in the world today." http://www.redstate.com/2016/01/23/dumbing-university-generation-snowflake-hides-safe-spaces/?
Quote: "Here are two harsh realities about American education. K-12 schools are mired in mediocrity. Second, the Education Establishment and the high-level people who should be improving the schools seem indifferent to academic improvement. My
sense is that the only people crusading for genuine reform are
traditional intellectuals. Alas, these are outsiders with little power.
Meanwhile, Bill Gates, the federal government, and scores of
"progressive" front groups pump billions into backing bad ideas. The
media and cultural institutions that should be involved in education
look the other way. The fix is in – that's the irresistible impression." http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/01/education_reform_italian_group_shows_americans_how_its_done.html
The damage
progressivism/political correctness has done to public schools continues
apace. Here is just one of many, many examples. http://patriotupdate.com/school-crumbles-after-teachers-told-not-to-punish-minority-students-because-of-white-privilege/
It has also seriously infected colleges and universities. Can you
believe this? Quote: "School Official says 3x4=11 is Correct in Common
Core!" http://eaglerising.com/28778/school-official-says-3x411-is-correct-in-common-core/ Another stupid example. http://eaglerising.com/29930/common-core-confusion-your-daily-dose-of-crazy/ Read on.
To get a bead on where American
colleges and universities are going click on this link. It is The
College Fix website. You can but you do not need to read all the
articles. You will find out how low many of these institutions have
sunk by simply reading the headlines on the Fix's home page. What you
will learn from this brief excursion is that the political
left/progressives are succeeding in destroying our country. http://www.thecollegefix.com/
No wonder the status of US colleges and universities are in decline. With professors like this what do you expect? http://eaglerising.com/22861/college-professor-defends-sex-slavery-by-isis/
This item confirms the disastrous direction our colleges and
universities are going. Former president of Harvard University says
so. http://eaglerising.com/28925/political-correctness-and-creeping-totalitarianism-could-destroy-higher-education/
Some university professors are
quitting their teaching jobs due to the unhealthy climate that requires
abiding political correctness rather than open dialogue and learning. http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/25391/
This is unbelievable. Students
at Yale think they know more than their professors. This is what
liberal/progressivism's destructive civil and educational destructive
tactics have wrought. http://www.batr.org/totalitariancollectivism/111715.html
This black American university
professor is so very right. It would be nice if leftist could
understand his simple logic. But logic is not their long suit, pursuit
of an agenda trumps all else whether no matter how bad it is. http://townhall.com/columnists/walterewilliams/2015/12/30/misleading-and-using-blacks-n2097644/page/full
This item addresses the most
divisive political issue at state and local levels. Quote: "What should
we do about the education of children from low income families?" http://townhall.com/columnists/johncgoodman/2015/12/26/our-most-divisive-political-issue-n2097222?
If you are not concerned about
Common Core I suggest you read this item. It may well change your
mind. Quote: "This is yet more evidence for the reason to remove your
kids from the public indoctrination centers called public school and
demand that your representatives abolish the federal Department of
Education. A Chinese immigrant mother of three testified before the
Colorado State Board of Education that what is being passed off as Common Core is actually the same Communist indoctrination that she experienced as a child in Communist China." http://eaglerising.com/24620/chinese-immigrant-mom-says-shes-seen-common-core-before-in-communist-china/
If you think the purveyors of
Common Core are in it for the kids, you don't know them. This large
publishing house has this to say. "“I hate kids,” she said,
laughing. “I’m in it to sell books. Don’t even kid yourself for a
heartbeat. It’s all about the money. What are you, crazy? It’s all about
the money. You don’t think that the educational publishing companies
are in it for education, do you? No, they’re in it for the money.” http://www.westernjournalism.com/watch-education-insiders-didnt-know-they-were-being-filmed-let-common-core-bombshell-slip/?
Way to go young lady. She lets the school board know how she feels about Common Core. http://www.westernjournalism.com/house-members-are-doing-this-one-thing-to-defeat-obama-tomorrow/?
This item about Common Core
should make you sick because that is what it is doing to many of our
children. Quote: "It is not new news that Common Core is messing with
our students’ homework and frustrating parents nationwide, but evidence
is suggesting that the new “standards” are triggering major anxiety
issues with our kids as well. School psychologists in the state of New
York responded to a survey released by the state School Boards
Association and the state Association of School Psychologists. The
results showed about three quarters of the respondents from nearly 700
school districts in New York report that state assessments are garnering
more anxiety than local ones." http://www.libertynewsnow.com/common-core-is-making-kids-sick/article2754
Try to figure out this Common Core math problem. Quote: "As Western Journalism has previously reported, even those formally trained in
mathematics find the process being taught in many U.S. schools to be
convoluted and unnecessary. Frustration over these new standards
obviously resonated with many who saw the social media image." http://www.westernjournalism.com/something-about-this-check-a-parent-wrote-to-an-elementary-school-has-made-it-viral/?
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