Monday, August 3, 2015

A Rudderless Nation

This opinion piece sets the stage for all other items that follow.  Quote: "All autocratic regimes require a scapegoat in order to keep the populace in turmoil while they go about seizing all the levers of power; this regime has done the same, utilizing the so-called wealthy, conservatives, evangelical Christians, and a clueless Republican Party as their focus of evil.   The totalitarian mindset of thought control by the American Left is increasingly rearing its ugly head.  It is not enough to win a political battle, but those who disagree with them must be punished and forced to wholeheartedly accept the party line or be financially destroyed and publically humiliated."

This item is disturbing yet important for all of us to read because it speaks to the misguided people we have become.  The item deals with the current problems faced by Planned Parenthood regarding their profiting from the selling of aborted baby body parts.  Quote: "There are many on the left who will not recognize inconvenient truths about their own sacred cows; the cows are different on the right, but no less sacred. The list is endless.  The issue in this case, though, is the dismemberment of human beings, and the profits made by flesh brokers. The issue here is the rationalizations these killers and their apologists are deploying to mask the horror of their deeds. This is what our country permits. We abstract our consciences into numbness."

This black American gives the Democrats/progressives a lesson in history. 

But, that history lesson likely falls on deaf ears.  Read this and you will learn that the Democrats support of radical black demands has painted them into a corner with the potential to backfire.  Quote: Speaking of the Black Lives Matter crowd it has been noted that "...this is not some fringe group that can be expunged with no damage. Its leader has been a White House visitor.  The nascent Black Lives Matter movement cannot claim that these statements were made by a few fringe members: the entire rant was orchestrated by Black Lives Matter Founder Patrisee Cullors, who can be seen in the video enthusiastically pumping her fist and shouting along with every incendiary statement. Nor is Black Lives Matter a fringe group; they have been embraced and given fealty by the highest levels of the Democratic power structure. Cullors told a British interviewer, “We’re going into halls of power now. Many of us are meeting with mayors or meeting with local government. Some of us have met with President Obama himself to talk about the demands.” Ms. Cullors’ name appears on White House visitor records."

A  relook at the clear thinking of Richard John Neuhaus.  "Neuhaus foresaw that progressives would exploit civil rights law to push a Rousseauian project of liberation from traditional social bonds (or shackles, as some would see them), even if such a project ran against the democratic consensus. But perhaps most brilliantly of all, Neuhaus understood and articulated the crisis of moral reasoning in the public square. He saw that moral reasoning, while intrinsic to political argumentation, was being robbed of the religious sources that originally gave rise to the views so many Americans hold — and which are ultimately the preservers of liberal democracy. Neuhaus may be more apt to our times than even to his own. We should read him with great expectation that he might help us see our politics with new eyes."

This is how the President treats veterans.  He sends them to war and then ignores them upon their return, especially our wounded warriors.  Illegal aliens deserve our tax money more than our veterans.  Quote:  He supports  "...a bill that would SLASH veteran benefits by a staggering $6 billion…And give that money to illegal aliens who are having a tough time “fitting in” with American society."  A good use of OUR taxpayer money don't you think?

The ACLU will now choose which civil rights it will seek to defend.  So, civil rights no longer equally apply to everyone.  Progressive watchdogs will determine which individuals/groups are deserving of civil rights and which are not.  How far the nation has fallen that once prided itself as being a nation of laws.  Today it is a nation top to bottom ruled by ever changing feelings.   
Can you believe this?  Given all the evidence that is now public knowledge, the President thinks he can change people's minds with a new set of incredible and totally unbelievable lies.  His ability to deny any responsibility for any of his messes is the stuff of legions.   We know how the President treats US citizens.  Just like he treats members of his Kenyan family.

This is an example of Progressive/Democrat government oppression and violation of human rights.  Quote: "Governor Jerry Brown now goes down in history as the first person to legalize a state-wide medical vaccine experiment on blacks. He signed SB 277 into law today, reawakening the era of Tuskegee's medical experiments against blacks while invoking the same twisted justifications as Tuskegee: It's for "public health!"  The left has a long history of maintaining a "collective" world view that assigns rights to selected groups rather that recognizing the God given "individual" rights which apply equally to all humans.

Typical mainstream media.  Quote: "Media gushes over Bernie Sanders Rally."  He is an avowed socialist..  This should tell everyone where the liberal Democrat's political philosophy lies.  Failure to halt the past seven years of social, political and economic chaos will come to no good for the country.     Think Greece and you will get the picture.

Do Democrat politicians  have any common sense?  The Social Security program is in financial distress yet they want to expand it.  The same for the Medicare program.  Social Security Disability funding runs out of money in 2016.  President Obama says that's no problem.  Just move the money from Social Security to the Disability program.  Problem solved, right???? 

Typical liberal response to a real problem.  Investigate the party who discovers dirty deeds instead of renouncing those dirty deeds. 

Quote: "Tutored and mentored by David Rockefeller’s intellectual flunkey, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Barack Obama is close to winning his two gold stars for victory—and make no mistake about it, these were his two assignments from the First Globalist Family of Rockefeller:  Obamacare and Obamatrade. Obamacare was and is a Rockefeller strategy for enforcing the pharmaceutical brand of medicine his ancestors pioneered early in the 20th century. The US Supreme Court has just papered over an obvious loophole and contradiction in the law, to keep Obamacare intact: “the state exchanges vs. federal exchanges.” No problem. No issue. Suddenly, for the Court, the “original intent” of the law is the prime consideration—whereas original intent has been derided, bombarded, crushed, and ignored when it comes to that little document called the US Constitution.  Obama has also won vaunted, slam-dunk, “fast-track authority” on the three Globalist trade bills that will shortly arrive for Congressional approval, including the horrific TPP, which will grant Big Pharma more profits, as well as greater exemption in the matter of poisoning populations with their drugs."

A book we should all read and share with others.  If a ground swell of support by the people could arise then maybe the nation could be saved.  No matter what saving it will be a huge undertaking and not without major pain.   Quote: "Sadly, the American public has become disconnected from its founding document, the Constitution. Knowledge of civics is so deplorable that few people can identify the three branches of government, let alone the constitutional bases for them. Most Americans have never read the Constitution. Even law students studying Constitutional Law learn mainly about Supreme Court decisions interpreting the Constitution—and arcane “theories” of interpretation— not the actual text. This ignorance has permitted the Supreme Court (and elected officials) to manipulate the Constitution, in the process allowing the Leviathan state to expand beyond the narrow limits intended by the Framers." 

The title of this piece is "Orthodox Christians Must Now Learn To Live as Exiles in Our Own Country".  That says it all.  The Christian foundation of this country has been replaced by secular humanists/elitists who hold no moral standards whatever and they think that is a good thing.  Quote: "It is now clear that for this Court, extremism in the pursuit of the Sexual Revolution’s goals is no vice. True, the majority opinion nodded and smiled in the direction of the First Amendment, in an attempt to calm the fears of those worried about religious liberty. But when a Supreme Court majority is willing to invent rights out of nothing, it is impossible to have faith that the First Amendment will offer any but the barest protection to religious dissenters from gay rights orthodoxy."  Supreme Court Justice Alito says this about the court's 5 majority decision.  "Today’s decision usurps the constitutional right of the people to decide whether to keep or alter the traditional understanding of marriage. The decision will also have other important consequences. It will be used to vilify Americans who are unwilling to assent to the new orthodoxy. In the course of its opinion, the majority compares traditional marriage laws to laws that denied equal treatment for African-Americans and women. E.g., ante, at 11–13. The implications of this analogy will be exploited by those who are determined to stamp out every vestige of dissent."   This is what it has come to.  Is anyone really proud to support a movement that exhibits this kind of behavior? 

These are the people involved in converting our Judeo/Christian heritage to a pagan amoral secular humanists one.  Their motives are selfish ones and  bad for all of the rest of us.

This is another view of the Court's decision and one I believe will be the ultimate consequence of their 5-4 decision.  Think about it.  Five people sitting on the Supreme Court can DICTATE to a nation of over 310 million people what moral standards we MUST hold.   And this proposal provided by one member of Congress is intended to blunt the blunder of the Court's faulty ruling.  Time will tell what will be the ultimate consequences.  It is instructive to remember that quite a number of past court decisions prove that its members are flawed humans who too often act on personal opinions versus following the clear language of the Constitution...keep in mind it was a past Supreme Court at one time ruled that slavery was legal.    Here is one well considered discussion as to how the decision will play out.  It is not pretty.   What has been created is a night mare for Christians and a windfall for lawyers and certain special interests. The collectivist left has created a nation of special interests instead of a united nation of equal citizens.

Regardless of whether or not you agree with recent Supreme Court decisions, we all need to be concerned about the "activism" of the Court.  The way it is functioning it is allowing a majority of only five justices to decide the direction of our country of over 310 million people.  That is a very dangerous precedent.    This piece illustrates the loonacy that comes with progressive government officials selecting who has rights and who doesn't.

Leftist/progressive demands and government compliance has dire consequences.  Here's proof that their claims prior to the Supreme Court's ruling in their favor were just more lies.  They got what they wanted but still are not satisfied.  Quote: "For years conservatives and proponents of religious liberty in America have warned that if same-sex marriage became legal, the left would then pursue revoking the tax exempt status for religious institutions, particularly Christian churches, around the country.  Just days after the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that gay marriage is a constitutional right, progressive activists like Mark Oppenheimer of the New York Times are calling for tax exempt statutes to be stripped."    

One of the tragedies of the gay community's status is the children of such unions.  Read this piece to gain insights offered by those children.

George Burns

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