Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Putting The Debt Limit Debate In Perspective

Want to know more about the debt ceiling and the role played by Congress and the Administration?  The short answer.  Historically both have done an abysmal job honoring the purpose of the debt ceiling (put in place to control government spending) and the nation's citizens are now the one's paying the price for poor/irresponsible government actions.

And tell me again which political party is the more fiscally reckless of the two major parties.  The Democrat senate has failed to even pass a budget for four years.  Yet the senate's Majority Leader Reid feels compelled to lecture the Republican House Speaker Boehner about doing his job.  The Republican led House of Representatives has passed multiple budget/fiscal bills during the past four years many of which Reid has refused to even bring to the Senate floor for a vote.  Give me a break.  See here:

What does this link tell you?  It tells me that our overly spendthrifty government cannot pay its bills unless we borrow the money to do so.  It is time for the government to deal with its HUMONGOUS spending problem.  Raising the debt ceiling is just a way to avoid doing that.  This time the Republicans have it right.  But, the president will not negotiate anything until the Republicans agree to raise the debt ceiling.  Given history how accommodating/willing to negotiate do you think the president will be once he has access to a whole new pile of borrowed money?  

This is the way President Obama and his Democratic counterparts want to "negotiate".

Finally, here is what happens when the holders of our debt decide they want to push us around a bit.  Given that China holds so much of our debt they are doing just that.  Rightfully so, I might add.  The only way out is to start paying down the debt instead of wasting so much of taxpayer's money through rampant fraud, waste and abuse and spying on American citizens, engaging in endless overseas military actions, etc., etc., etc, and, oh by the way Obamacare, too.  Obama's term in office has seen the federal debt grow at a pace that exceeds all preceding presidents combined.

Remember this little tidbit?  During the George W. Bush presidency then Senator Obama lambasted Bush and his ethics when he wanted to raise the debt ceiling.

George Burns

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