Thursday, January 3, 2013

10 Books That Screwed Up The World

Below link provides a short summary of the accomplishments of our central planning intellectuals/advocates (academic elites) and the elected officials who do their bid, egged on by their corporatist collaborators.  They are winning; the rest of us are losing.  There is no doubt that history repeats itself.  Read the New York Times article to which the author refers/links - it makes some sense on surface but upon reflection is scarry because he advocates getting rid of the Constitution and replacing it with an unclear something - he seeming says we just need to do the right things.  What follows abandonment of  constitutional foundations that protect life and liberty (or one not adhered to as in our case) has to one degree or another been played out several times over the past century and each time disaster followed.  To understand references to Hobbsian and other collectivist ideas read Benjamin Wiker's 10 Books That Screwed Up The World.

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