Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Greg’s Newsletter 11/27/2012

Folks, it’s time for an update on the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership). If you are new to my newsletter or don’t recall what this is, it is an international trade agreement which has been spoken about as NAFTA on steroids. The main stream media does not cover this in any detail and probably won’t until it is ratified and we the people will once again burden the cost of wealth and freedoms we use to cherish in the USA. This agreement is being drafted in secret but will hold all signing countries allowing their internal laws to be superseded by this international agreement. This is international corporate power at its worst.

Andrew Gavin Marshall is an investigative reporter based in Montreal Canada who has been following the TPP since the Bush administration and now continuing in the Obama administration. (For you who think there is a big difference in the parties when it comes to economic power, forget it!).

Gee, here is another surprise, an ex-Goldman Sachs banker selected to be governor of the Bank of England.

Folks, as we continue to fight over left versus right, the real power continues down their path of complete and total domination of the world’s economic systems. When the international bankers and industrialists control a nation’s wealth, they control everything.

Greg Goodwin

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