Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Chance for Peace in the Middle East?

Is there going to be calm after the storm in the Middle East? Following a tumultuous week of all-out war between Israel and Hamas, there are now good chances of peace actually catching on. However peace in the Middle East can only happen if the powers that be manage to grab the bull by the horns and build on the momentum created by the recent clashes which left 158 Palestinians and six Israelis dead. 
Having agreed on a ceasefire and on indirect talks through Egyptian intermediaries, due to kick off in the Egyptian capital on Tuesday, the momentum is there. There is an undercurrent that can be pushed in the right direction, but it needs to be channeled and the antagonists need to be herded along, coaxed, caressed and yes, even bullied when needed. And this can only be accomplished by a country with the prestige and power of the United States.

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