Sunday, March 26, 2017

Trump Showed Himself to Be More Responsible Than the Politicians on Both Sides of the Aisle

The simpletons who are gloating that the rejection of the Health Care Repeal and Replace legislation shows that Trump is no longer a master at the Art of the Deal seem to overlook one simple fact. Every deal with a chance of closing has to have two parties with open minds who WANT a deal. Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton got things done because they had negotiating partners. The Democrats until the end refused to even consider a deal, which required the Republicans to come up with something close to unanimity in order to close the deal. It is easier to be unanimous against than in favor.

The simpletons who are gloating that the rejection of the Health Care Repeal and Replace legislation shows that Trump is no longer a master at the Art of the Deal seem to overlook one simple fact. Every deal with a chance of closing has to have two parties with open minds who WANT a deal. Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton got things done because they had negotiating partners. The Democrats until the end refused to even consider a deal, which required the Republicans to come up with something close to unanimity in order to close the deal. It is easier to be unanimous against than in favor.

The failure of the Republicans to agree on a deal shows that the Republicans consist of people who stand on principle – some on the conservative side of the spectrum, some on the liberal side. The Democrats refused to put principle over party, let alone the interests of their constituents over their party, and allow at least some members of Congress who might find some common ground to at least consider the legislation and strive to improve on it.

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