Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Rise of the Victim-State

While  President Trump expresses the desire to have good relations with Russia, his UN envoy Nikki Haley stated, “The United States continues to condemn and call for an immediate end to the Russian occupation of Crimea.” She added, “Crimea is a part of Ukraine. Our Crimea-related sanctions will remain in place until Russia returns control over the peninsula to Ukraine”– the administration unaware, apparently, that the historical experience of “return” is hardly a Russian specialty.

Impervious to political reality, the Trump administration refuses to recognize that Crimea has   turned its clocks to Moscow time, both literally and figuratively. It has joined Russia, and regardless of Western sanctions and condemnations, there is no turning back of this historic clock; Crimea is irreversible and non-negotiable. But the Eastern Ukraine is open to negotiations and an amicable resolution.

This is one of many ethnic conflicts that have become increasingly common after the Cold War period. As the rivalry between the superpowers receded and the security concerns of the peoples that had allied themselves with either camp took the stage again, nationalistic aspirations created potentially explosive environments. In Ukraine, resentments and grievances suppressed by the power of the Soviet state broke out into a civil war.

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