Saturday, June 24, 2023

Whistleblower Transcripts Show Scope Of DOJ Election Rigging

 The troubled Biden son has always been at the center of concerns about the 2020 election, in the form of the infamous "Hunter Biden laptop." When reports surfaced in October 2020 of an abandoned laptop showing the dirty details of not only Hunter's shady business enterprises and potentially criminal conduct but also then-presidential candidate Joe Biden's knowledge of and involvement in it, the corrupt Department of Justice joined hands with Big Tech censors and media propagandists to hide the story.

The IRS whistleblower transcripts released on Thursday add new layers to the election rigging.

According to the IRS agents who came forward, federal agencies abandoned standard procedures to slow-walk investigations into Hunter Biden, ignored agents who pushed for the investigation to move forward properly, retaliated against those agents, and - crucially - interfered even further in the 2020 election by making sure not to go public with details of their investigation until Donald Trump was on his way out the door and Joe Biden was safely elected.

The second IRS whistleblower, who remained anonymous, recalled what he remembered from May 2019 to Dec. 8, 2020, the day agents went "Overt" with the Hunter Biden case, immediately following the contested presidential election.

One can infer from the transcripts that if the IRS's standard timeline had been followed, Hunter Biden would have been interviewed by the early summer of 2019.

A DOJ tax attorney - it appears to be Mark Daly, but the transcript is a bit ambiguous - said, in the whistleblower's telling: "Tax does not approve. This will be on hold until further notice."

The other IRS whistleblower, Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley, shared similar concerns with the House Ways and Means Committee, alleging the DOJ "Slow-walked the investigation" and denied search warrants of Hunter Biden's quarters because of "Optics."

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