Thursday, June 1, 2023

'COVID Deaths' Caused By Infections From Ventilators Pushed By Feds, New York: ICU Study

 Bacterial infections associated with ventilators may have caused most of the deaths attributed to COVID-19 among intubated patients, according to a study funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases that reinforces ongoing scrutiny of early treatment protocols and official COVID death figures.

The findings could help explain why New York City, where ventilators were heavily used early in the pandemic, experienced a dramatic spike in COVID mortality even among non-elderly people that wasn't seen in areas with similar demographics and climate.

Wrongly attributing deaths from secondary infections to SARS-CoV-2 would further undermine the reliability of the official COVID death toll.

Oregon lawmakers are seeking a federal grand jury investigation of death certificate protocols designed specifically for COVID. Massachusetts law student John Beaudoin sued the state last summer for allegedly sending "Fraudulent" COVID death data to the feds, whose resulting guidance was used by his private school to develop vaccine mandates he refused to follow.

The Northwestern study "Leads to the stunning potential that perhaps 58% of 'COVID' cases were respiratory issues other than COVID," former University of Pittsburgh senior research scientist James Lyons-Weiler wrote in his newsletter, analyzing the study.

"This 'learning,' as Fauci calls it, very likely contributed to the incredible increase in hospital inpatient deaths among 20-69" year old in New York City in spring 2020, according to the pseudonymous COVID analyst Jessica Hockett, who has closely studied The Big Apple's inexplicably high COVID mortality during its initial lockdown.

"It's long been something of a mystery why there have been no major studies on how many COVID patients were killed by mechanical ventilators in spring 2020," despite firsthand accounts from frontline doctors including NYC's Cameron Kyle-Sidell and Rep. Rich McCormick that ventilators were the wrong treatment for what they were observing, Senger wrote.

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