Sunday, March 26, 2023

Eminent Oxford Scientist Says Wind Power "Fails On Every Count"

 "Wind power fails on every count," he says, adding that governments are ignoring "Overwhelming evidence" of the inadequacies of wind power, "And resorting to bluster rather than reasoned analysis".

He shows that at a wind speed of 20mph, the power produced by a wind turbine is 600 watts per square metre at full efficiency.

Millions of bats and birds are calculated to be slaughtered by onshore wind turbines every year.

When fluctuations in wind speed are taken into account in Allison's formula, the performance of wind becomes very much worse.

If the wind speed drops by half, the power available falls by a factor of eight.

For eight days at the end of the month, power generation slumped, presumably, says Allison, because the wind speed halved.

"Whichever way you look at it, wind power is inadequate. It is intermittent and unreliable; it is exposed and vulnerable; it is weak with a short life-span," he concludes.

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