Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Biden Admin. Changes ICE's Immigration Mission On ICE.Gov

 In the final weeks of the Trump administration, after months of work, ICE revamped and launched a new website, a necessary update that was long overdue. The Biden administration has struggled to define the immigration enforcement mission as described on the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) website.

The Biden administration was not happy with this language and apparently also had a problem with the image in the header of an illegal alien being arrested by ICE officers.

  • In October 2022, the Biden administration updated the *** mission on ICE.gov yet again. The main purpose appears to be the removal of the reference to "DHS's stated enforcement priorities".

ERO uses law enforcement and intelligence-driven leads to identify noncitizens who may present a threat to national security or public safety, or otherwise undermine the integrity of U.S. immigration laws.

  • Upon identification and a thorough investigation, ICE officers then arrest noncitizens by conducting targeted enforcement actions.

The gravity of an apprehension and removal on a noncitizen's life, and potentially the life of family members and the community, warrants the dedication of investigative and evaluative effort.

  • The court-blocked guidelines require ICE officers to investigate a number of rationales for not deporting an illegal alien (most of which are not reflected in statutory law), and the ICE website arguably still reflects these blocked guidelines.


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