Friday, June 24, 2016

Should Read Items

This note includes items likely new to many readers.  There is a lot here.  Please take the time to read those that strike your fancy.  Please focus on the section immediately following and the section dealing with socialism.  They cover items the mainstream media either refuses to report or chooses to ignore.  They are factual and are anathema to the left wing media and its progressive laden agenda.  

This sets the stage for all that follows.  Quote: "An insidious police state is stealing over America today. We as a country have become like a freezing man slipping off to sleep in a blizzard, incapable of recognizing the demise of the liberty and honor on which we were formed. Our liberal-neocon intelligentsia are responsible for this. Their perfidy is comprised of five elements:
1) Collectivist ideologues in the schools teaching moral relativism.
2) Hubristic politicians and bureaucrats in Washington ignoring basic rights.
3) Government monopolization of the banking system that debases the currency.
4) Increasing militarization of federal, state, and local police.
5) A media that plays the role of lap dogs for statism.
These five elements almost always close ranks to support each other. They are of one mind – that capitalism (i.e., freedom) is dangerous. Leaving people alone is dangerous. The marketplace is dangerous. Thus society must be regimented from the top down via ever-increasing “arbitrary law” and “police state controls.”

This is a logical follow-on to the previous item.  Quote: "Our government Leviathan is very real and has grown to previously unimaginable proportions. Its ever-increasing reach seems to know no bounds. And what was once perceived to be Leviathan's mostly fiscal threat to the health and well-being of our nation is now a monstrous moral threat. Leviathan's vast bureaucracies are now its foot soldiers, who have busied themselves with weaponizing executive edicts, errant court rulings and out-of-control regulatory powers against all who disagree with our Ruling Elites never-ending social/moral engineering experimentation. When will a critical mass of Americans of every race, creed, and color wake up and recognize Leviathan’s hot breath on the napes of all our necks, and finally exclaim, once and for all, “Enough is enough?”

This is an excellent discussion about nonsense of political correctness penned by a former liberal.  Quote: "Look at where we are today because of the PC nightmare! We have a Nation on the verge of industrial and economic collapse, partly because companies are forced by law or persuaded by government subsidies to hire people with victim group status, even if they are unqualified, while ignoring highly qualified people who just happen to have lighter skin. We have children not even old enough to discover their own inherent character being clinically diagnosed with “gender dysphoria” by a psychiatric community of quacks, which conjured most PC terminology out of thin air. We have boys who are told that they are stunted for acting out their natural male impulses and girls who are told that true femininity is weakness and that they should act more masculine. We have a mainstream culture that coddles and infantilizes young adults, young  girls who think promiscuity is the key to womanhood and that motherhood is disgusting (which I find rather ironic), and young men who have no testicular fortitude and no clue how to take charge of their own lives.  The American family unit has been completely destroyed. We have women who are ashamed to set aside careers to raise children because feminism frowns upon “breeders” who bring down the whole gender. We have men who abandon their children and refuse to take responsibility. And we have a weak-minded population addicted to collective affirmation and unwilling to think outside the box for fear of being shunned and shamed. Honestly, I can’t see a single redeeming quality to political correctness other than the fact that those people who espouse it do so loudly and obnoxiously, making it easier for me to identify and avoid them or to take special note of them as an obvious zombie threat in an America swiftly declining into mundane oblivion." 

This item charges that Congress is corrupt to the core.  Given its performance over the years that charge seems more true than not.  Quote: According to McGehee, "There's an enormous amount of pressure on the K Street-type lobbyists to deliver, and if you don't your clients get hurt."  So, money moves from the hands of clients to lobbyists to help put a particular representative into office and even help that person secure seats of power. I honestly think that LaTourette is either not being honest in his assessment or deceptive at worst.  According to Open Secrets, "The relationship between lobbyists and lawmakers is complicated. On one hand, lobbyists pursue relationships with lawmakers in order to shape legislation so that it benefits clients who would be affected by new laws or regulations. On the other hand, lobbyists are frequently targeted by lawmakers as sources of campaign money, which the lobbyists feel beholden to give to improve their clients' prospects of success." Should you ever wonder just how corrupt lobbyists can be, check out this interview with former lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who claimed to have 100 politicians in his pocket at any given time. The is the kind of corrupt power that is being used to enslave us all in this nation."

The United Nations (UN) is a danger to human life, except for the elite.  They now claim that we all need to become vegans because farming is a dangerous contributor to climate change.  Global elitists are working overtime to scare people into believing that not only humans cause climate change but also all those farm animals who fart and all the efforts necessary to conduct farming operations are a danger to their beloved "Mother Earth."  My take: They pontificate their nonsense because they want to eliminate as many people as possible from the planet.  Remember, the UN is in charge of the Climate Change scare tactics rolled out over the past 20 years which even UN elites say is not about Climate Change but instead is a move to impose socialism across the globe, redistribute global wealth and eliminate capitalism.  This is what they are about - centralizing global socialistic power in their hands.   Quote: "Lesser consumption of animal products is necessary to save the world from the worst impacts of climate change, UN report says.  A global shift towards a vegan diet is vital to save the world from hunger, fuel poverty and the worst impacts of climate change, a UN report said today.  As the global population surges towards a predicted 9.1 billion people by 2050, western tastes for diets rich in meat and dairy products are unsustainable, says the report from United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) international panel of sustainable resource management.  It says: “Impacts from agriculture are expected to increase substantially due to population growth increasing consumption of animal products. Unlike fossil fuels, it is difficult to look for alternatives: people have to eat. A substantial reduction of impacts would only be possible with a substantial worldwide diet change, away from animal products.”  Professor Edgar Hertwich, the lead author of the report, said: “Animal products cause more damage than [producing] construction minerals such as sand or cement, plastics or metals. Biomass and crops for animals are as damaging as [burning] fossil fuels."    Do not believe anything the UN says. Break, Break:  Consider what seems to be trending.  The UN is filled with socialists/elitists. Many members are from countries ruled by dictators, tyrants, Muslims and nations that do not like the democratic nations of the west.  It is a fact that the democracies of the west are outnumbered.  UN tactics include  threatening the masses into yielding to their self appointed  "superior" thinking and requiring nations to yield to their demands.  Their self serving intent will result in disaster for the masses but turn out well for global elitists. As is often noted socialism is for the socialists; not the people.  Remember, too, the UN is in charge of redistributing Muslims across the Western World.  For what purpose?  It can't be for the good of the West.  Nonetheless compliant western leaders/elites are not resisting.  Are they complicit in this redistribution scheme?  Is the intent to destabilize the western world?  Could one conclude that they have changed their mission to "lets take control of the planet?"  Could they believe that they could then "impose" their will on everybody, everywhere.  Could they be purposely scaring the sheeple into compliance?  Could they be thinking that when things get really, really bad that the desperate masses will clamor for them to take charge and save them from disaster?  I don't know the future but this scenario seems plausible.  What do you think?  Ponder the contents of the next item before answering.

Quote: "Politicians, environmentalists, alarmist scientists and renewable energy industrialists have built a $1.5-trillion-per-year Climate Crisis industry that gives them research grants, campaign cash, mandates, huge subsidies – and vast regulatory power to eliminate conventional energy; make electricity rates skyrocket; fundamentally transform economic systems; control lives, livelihoods, living standards and liberties; and redistribute the world’s wealth. Poor, minority and working class families will suffer most.  The ruling elites don’t care. They will do well, travel often, keep their pensions and get still wealthier. Climate rules, deprivation and “sustainability” are for the Little People. This entire system is based on the unproven bald assertion that fossil fuels are causing dangerous and unprecedented weather and climate disruption … carbon dioxide has replaced the complex natural forces that drove drive climate change in previous centuries … there is no longer any room for debate over these “facts” … and the only issue still open to discussion is what to do to avert “imminent catastrophe.”   

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