Sunday, July 26, 2015

This Makes You Think

As has been noted by multiple experts and even in some of the items I have shared with you, science cannot be considered the "know it all" regarding life on earth and all manner of other things.  Science is a good thing so I am not attempting to denigrate it or the scientists who dedicate themselves to it.  Their record of achievements is enormous.  But in more than a few cases they have been wrong, dead wrong.  This specific item takes on the evolution vs creation debate.  Although it is only a theory evolution scientists treat the subject as if it is a fact.  The problem is that provable facts to support the theory are hard, even impossible, to come by.  They attempt to use micro-evolution to prove their case but that only occurs within species.  There has never been any provable evidence produced that supports macro-evolution which is one species spinning off  to become a totally new and different species.  There have been many claims of evidence but for a variety of reasons they were eventually quietly abandoned. Yet many of these false proofs linger as proofs to true believers.  The harsh reality is that there is no proof available, only speculation.  And, much of that speculation undermines rather than justifies the theory.  Evolutionists, though, fight tooth and nail in defense of themselves and their theory. But they are unable to offer any verifiable proof.  They even insist that only evolution be taught in our public schools without a hint of any other possibility.  But that is a subject for another time.  Check out the link and ask yourself why evolution scientists have not been able to successfully address any these challenges.  One thing that is factual, at least at this point in time, is that evolution is more of a belief system than a scientific theory.  Maybe another theory needs to be considered.   

George Burns

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