Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Stratfor's Leaked Emails Expose Some Very Tangled Intelligence Gathering

Eamon Javers

The anti-secrecy group Wikileaks began publishing more than five million internal emails from the U.S. based private intelligence company, Stratfor on Sunday. It includes a memo allegedly written by George Friedman, the CEO of the company that reads like something out of a spy novel.

The document is allegedly Friedman’s own wry rundown of intelligence lingo that his employees use in their work for corporate and government clients. 

The document dump explains that an "All-Source Fusion Cell" is: "A trans-compartmentalized group of analysts who get to see everything and have to make sense of it. Don't wish it on your worst enemy."

A "Barium Meal" is defined this way: "When there is a leak, feed bits of radioactive (traceable, false) information to suspects. See which bit leaks. You will know who leaked it. The leaker will know you know. Livens up a dull day like nothing else we’ve ever seen. Bring the kids."

Read more: http://www.cnbc.com/id/46535884#ixzz1nfpD3J00

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