Saturday, September 17, 2011

Petty jealousy of the rich

David Lawrence

How often have I heard from sallow, begrudging liberals that the gap between the rich and poor has gotten too great. Of course, these complainers are usually not really poor.  They just identify with poverty that is not their own. They have more empathy than logic.
I have always felt that the gap between rich and poor is irrelevant. Rich people being really rich only works to the benefit of the poor and the middle class by putting more money in circulation and providing more menial jobs for the untalented. Unfortunately, the poor are petty, jealous greedy creatures who can't stand to see others succeed. 
I am middle class and I love to see the rich get richer. That's what they are trying to do.  I am not trying to be rich so I have no envy of their accomplishing what I am not attempting. Bless the rich their good fortune; don't despise them for being able to do what you can't.
If I wanted to be rich I would work at it instead of being envious. When I was younger I was rich and enjoyed it. Now that I am lower middle class it would be selfish and undignified of me to envy those who have achieved what I have not tried to accomplish.
Those who resent the gap between the rich and poor should resent themselves for being so petty. They should not look in the mirror and see reflections that are not their own. They should be what they be or as Popeye the Sailor Man says, "I am what I am.  I'm Popeye the Sailor man."
Jealousy poisons.  It's time the poor blessed the rich and quaffed the antidote to hatred.  The rich form charities for the poor.  The poor return that courtesy with hatred and Obama-like class warfare.
I like the rich.  I would be ashamed to hate them.  It would show that I have no character.
It would show that I am a jealous, small person -- the kind of person that would be in a union using voting quantity rather than worker quality to seek promotion.

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