Sunday, December 4, 2016

More Random Thoughts/Information

This is a blunt but sobering piece.  Quote: "This election also proved once again that Barack Obama is a fiction created by the media, as his enthusiastic campaigning for Hillary brought yet another embarrassing rejection of both him and his policies. If there was any doubt about what Americans thought of his “accomplishments,” they were shattered by the results of this election. For the third time in six years, BHO campaigned hard for Dirty Dem candidates— this time with a life-and-death fervor of someone running for a third term, which he was — and once again got his bloated ego handed to him on a platter."  and, "Listen up: Neither Barack Obama nor anyone else on the radical left has any intention of working with either Trump or the Republican Congress. Perhaps a goodly number of Republican Trump haters will timidly get on board the Trump Train in order to protect their own careers, as was evidenced in Paul Ryan’s Save-My-Ass speech Wednesday morning, but Ryan’s after-the-fact overture to Trump was precisely the kind of thing that has long disgusted voters. It was a last minute about-face in the hopes that Trump would keep him on as Speaker of the House, which he almost certainly will.  It would be a tragedy if Trump fell victim to kingitis and lost control of the very movement he led. The millions of enthusiastic people who voted for him did not do so in the hopes that he would “work with” those who are trying to, and succeeding at, destroying America. They voted for him in the belief that he would totally oppose their anti-American agenda and bring down the entrenched and corrupt system of the political class."

The media got it all wrong.  Quote: "The representatives of that media have already begun to look inward, wondering if they caused this to happen with all the free coverage they gave Trump back in the primaries.  But while they have correctly identified the “culprit,” they have missed the target when it comes to what they did wrong. It wasn’t the quantity of the coverage; it was the quality of it. They demonized Donald Trump beyond all reason, writing spooky articles about Adolf Hitler without the slightest hint of irony. And with every new exaggeration and every ridiculous lie, they pushed him closer to the White House.  The REAL Donald Trump isn’t New York’s answer to Ted Cruz. He isn’t Barry Goldwater. He isn’t Rush Limbaugh.  He is an entirely new beast of American politics, and he won because he took on a tired, outdated Republican model. His ideology certainly isn’t liberalism, but it isn’t quite conservatism, either. It’s summed up by those two powerful words: America First.  And if he governs with that principle, we are in for a fantastic four years.

You should also find this interesting.  It reveals how the people across the vast land mass of our country feel about Republicans versus Democrats.  It is really amazing and may shock some.  Democratic controlled  population centers on the east and west coast  plus a few outliers are the only places where they have majority support of the local population.

This is a very thoughtful piece by a thoughtful writer of the left. I do not agree with his concluding paragraphs but think his assessment of journalistic and Democrat failures is mostly right on.   Quote: "The Democratic Party's failure to keep Donald Trump out of the White House in 2016 will go down as one of the all-time examples of insular arrogance. The party not only spent most of the past two years ignoring the warning signs of the Trump rebellion, but vilifying anyone who tried to point them out. It denounced all rumors of its creeping unpopularity as vulgar lies and bullied anyone who dared question its campaign strategy by calling them racists, sexists and agents of Vladimir Putin's Russia. But the party's willful blindness symbolized a similar arrogance across the American intellectual elite. Trump's election was a true rebellion, directed at anyone perceived to be part of "the establishment." The target group included political leaders, bankers, industrialists, academics, Hollywood actors, and, of course, the media. And we all closed our eyes to what we didn't want to see."

Seemingly America's elite leftists have not learned the lesson of Hillary's defeat.  Either that or they are willfully continuing their pursuit of establishing a socialist USA neatly ensconced within a socialist New World Order.  Quote: "Identity politics and tribalism, the first being the quasi-intellectual justification for the second, are the lens through which much of our culture sees the world today.  When leftists say Trump's startling victory Tuesday represents a "whitelash" (as in whites finding a hero and voting for him en masse), they are attempting to cash out the vital ideas that this contest was really about in favor of the Marxist idea that all political change is a struggle of class and race – a zero-sum game where for one side to win, the other must lose.  The left is wedded to this idea of struggle and identity because the conflict it engenders always gains leftists more centralized power, no matter whose ox is being gored at the moment.  But assigning the Trump revolution to "whitelash" is particularly galling because it takes the vital ideas at the core of the Trump victory and attributes them to mere tribalism.  It's up to each of us to drag the discussion back to those ideas before the left converts this pandering into the dominant narrative."  and, "We must remind each other, and the larger culture, of this, as Trump must continue to engage the country with more good ideas as his term's beginning approaches.  Tribalism and identity politics are nothing but naked Marxism, intended to turn us to each other's throats and thereby give more and more power to the leftists as being (in their minds, at least) the only way to bring peace.  Worse, they keep us from actually doing the things we must do to return our country to greatness." 

Leveling false, completely unfounded charges, against Senator Jeff Sessions is unacceptable behavior.  Trump has nominated Sessions to be the Attorney General.  Read the credentials he has verses what the left claims.
For those who want to understand how globalists think this will provide a good start.  To be sure they lament Trump's victory over Hillary and pledge to renew their efforts to achieve their goal of a New World Order/One World Government.  Two quotes: "For U.S. internationalists, the election of Donald Trump poses a monumental challenge,” wrote Stewart M. Patrick, in a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) blog, The Internationalist, in reaction to the stunning upset victory of Trump in Tuesday’s presidential election. What concerns Patrick is not just Trump himself, but the growth of the anti-globalist movement, noting, “Two decades ago, Patrick J. Buchanan’s pitchfork populism attracted no more than twenty percent of the Republican electorate. Today his ideological heir is bound for the White House.”  and  "By his own admission, Patrick is part of the political and economic establishment that has promoted globalism for the past several decades. He is a senior fellow and director of the Program on International Institutions and Global Governance. So this blog article gives us valuable insight into the thinking of the global elite.  “Among its many implications, Donald Trump’s election as president calls into question the open liberal international order this country has championed and defended for more than seven decades,” Patrick lamented. In his blog he asserted that, “Trump won because he recognized and tapped into deep public anxieties about the direction of the United States and its role in the world.” Patrick said the specific concerns that Trump was able to address sufficiently to win the presidency showed that he understood that a growing number of Americans mistrust globalization; are weary of overseas commitments; and are determined to reassert sovereign control over U.S. borders."  and, "Richard Haass, president of the CFR, which favors globalism, took note of the Brexit vote and warned Clinton of its ramifications. “For Hillary Clinton’s campaign, this is something of a warning not to underestimate this disaffection, not [to] underestimate political and economic nationalism.”  and, "Writing in his 2002 Memoirs, David Rockefeller, the longtime chairman of the CFR, was quite blunt in what he and his fellow globalists wished to accomplish. “Some even believe we [the Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as “internationalists” and conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” Clearly, Rockefeller was not joking, and, as the American presidential election just past has indicated, the American people are not laughing about this effort to destroy our status as an independent nation. But as Stewart Patrick so clearly puts it in his blog, the global elites are not giving up, despite their repudiation in the latest election."   It should be obvious to readers that the globalists are in the game for themselves and not the people.  Like both Obama and Hillary they are simply too full of themselves and their ambitions to understand much less acknowledge the needs, thoughts and dreams of average human beings.  Trump's victory was a victory for the common man and in all probability will only delay but not halt the globalist's ultimate and likely inevitable victory over the rest of humanity.  If they have their way that will be when a global version somewhat akin to the European Middle Ages will be visited upon the majority population of the entire globe.  

This is the typical behavior of the self proclaimed "tolerant" left when they don't get their way.  Quote: "It seems like only yesterday the tolerant left was predicting that if Trump lost the election, he and and his supporters would refuse to accept the results. Even Sally Kohn noted the “important difference” in the civility of the democrats versus the anger of the republicans. Member when they said that? Member?  But that’s not quite what happened now, is it?  Following Donald Trump’s political smackdown at the polls, the liberal left pretty much lost their marbles. What started with looks of disgust turned into tears then quickly ignited a rage that burned American flags and started dumpster fires across the country."

Gorge Burns

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