Monday, February 2, 2015

Those Who Destroy

Insightful and right on target. Quote: "There must be some root reason giants like the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Associated Press, and the network news shows have for decades consistently filtered what the nation knows about itself through ideological charcoal dedicated, in ways both grand and petty, to removing all suspended impurities suspiciously conservative.  Is it because the public is ubiquitously liberal and the media are just giving their market what it wants?  Or because media owners and managers are rich and the rich are by culture and inclination more liberal than the philistine public?"   And "As far as the modern American academy's New Left is concerned, Marcuse was nothing less than the latter-day reincarnation of Karl Marx. A shining prewar light of Frankfurt's radical Institut Für Sozialforschung (Institute for Social Research), it was Marcuse who took the Frankfurt School's cultural Marxism on a postwar American road trip through decades of students at Columbia University, Harvard University, Brandeis University, and the University of California during which he became the Hegelian hero of practically every radical subversive the American academy produced from the 1960s until today." 

George Burns

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