Friday, February 27, 2015

Why is Hillary Clinton paying women only 72 cents for every dollar she pays men?

Part of the hoped for winning strategy for Hillary Clinton's hypothetical presidential run is to focus on disgruntled women who think they should be paid more. (OK, they probably should.  And so should men.)  Hammering on the myth that women are paid 72 cents (or 77 cents) for every dollar men earn and hyping multi millionaire Patricia Arquette's Oscar winning plea for more money for women with support from other multi millionaire Hollywood women--and men--is probably being worked on as you read.    Hints of this emerged last Tuesday at a Silicon Valley tech conference where Clinton stated, earning her $300,000 fee, “I think we all cheered Patricia Arquette’s speech at the Oscars, because she’s right — it’s time to have wage equality,”

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