Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Problem With Unions

Too many of them are violent.   http://freebeacon.com/union-members-indicted-for-burning-down-quaker-church/

Too many of their leaders look out for their own interests, not the interests of their members or average Americans.   http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/20/us/politics/labor-leaders-see-focus-on-wages-as-key-to-union-and-democratic-victories.html?

Government unions protect their own while ignoring the interests of the public they are suppose to serve and who pay their salaries.  Their politics are decidedly leftists and self-serving.

And then there is the Chamber of Commerce, an organization long felt to be in the GOP's pocket.  Not so.  They lean left big time, protecting the interests of big business and big government, not average Americans.  Do not believe what they say.  Rather it behooves us all to take note of what they do.  http://www.redstate.com/2014/07/23/reminder-chamber-commerce-ideological-political-enemy-conservatives/   

Do unions really represent their members or do union leaders take care of their own personal interests?   http://www.commonwealthfoundation.org/policyblog/   Here are four findings from a Pennsylvania study.

This seems patently unfair to me.  Unions do not allow hard work, performance excellence, etc. to serve as what an employee deserves as compensation or is worth the company he/she works for.  http://dailysignal.com/2015/02/13/should-workers-need-a-unions-permission-to-get-a-raise/?

George Burns

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