Tuesday, February 3, 2015

About Race

This statistic should turn the "black lives matter" mantra on its head.   http://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2015/01/25/black-lives-matter-abortion-killed-19-times-as-many-blacks-as-murder-n1947682?

It is people like this who keep the flames of racial hate burning.  They are the real problem of racism.   http://unfilteredpatriot.com/the-divisive-politics-of-white-privilege/

This is a direct consequence of white secular humanists, liberals and progressivism's attempt to dismember our country.   http://unfilteredpatriot.com/racist-class-educates-students-on-problem-of-whiteness/

This is of course not a complete assessment but there are at least two problems driving the racial problems we have in this country.  The first is ignorance on the part of blacks as to how and why they always view themselves as victims of something, especially the white population.  The second is the liberals have long controlled the narrative regarding black victimhood and enacted laws that have resulted in blacks becoming government dependents.  Whether intended or not this has provided liberals a reliable voting block during elections by telling blacks that the reason they are victims is because of Republican racism and their desire to take away their government benefits.  So for Democrats it is a political issue (and blatantly wrong and unethical) in their arsenal against the Republicans/conservatives who instead promote self determination and exercising responsibility.  This item is illustrative of the point.   http://www.fixthisnation.com/conservative-breaking-news/to-combat-black-incarceration-set-criminals-free/
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Hopefully, the scene is set for his departure from the race baiting scene.  But, don't bet on it.  He loves the limelight too much.   http://finance.townhall.com/columnists/dwwilber/2015/01/29/adios-al-n1949672/page/full

She has an opinion but no facts to back it up.  The only real answer is bias without reason.  http://teapartybulletin.com/black-guest-accuses-fox-news-racism-cant-tell-racist/

George Burns

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